We’ve officially wrapped Season One of our coffee podcast The Coffee Sprudgecast! In the last season we’ve riffed, Skyped, interviewed, brewed, and did it live forty-three unforgettable times. We took the show on the road in cities around the world: NYC, Dublin, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, San Francisco, Oakland, London, Knoxville, Austin, and Seattle. It’s been a hell of a ride.
Here are four of the highest downloaded and listened-to episodes to get you through another month before we debut Season Two!
Episode Four: The One At TED
In this very special episode, we travel to Vancouver, British Columbia to take a look at the world-class coffee service being offered at TED 2016. Over the years the event has partnered with groups like Intelligentsia Coffee and Coffee Common, and in 2016 the World Coffee Events took the helm, the same folks who bring you the annual World Barista Championship. In this episode, we chat with WCE’s Events Creative Director Amy Ball, as well as SCAA Symposium Director Peter Giuliano and La Marzocco Home‘s Scott Callender, about the unique hands-on service #TEDCoffee provided to TEDsters.
Download the full episode here.
Episode Seventeen: The One With The First Sprudge After Dark
On June 5, 2016 we taped Sprudge After Dark at the Classic Stage Company in New York City. A showcase of stand-up comedy from Jenna Gotthelf, live drag performances by Mini Horrorwitz and Kimberly Clark, a dance performance by Janet Konz, and live interviews with Liz Clayton, Sam Penix, Sam Lewontin, Oliver Strand, and Matt Buchanan. In this condensed version, you’ll hear the unforgettable live performances of Kimberly Clark and interviews with the regional coffee elite!
Download the full episode here.
Episode Thirty-Four: The One In Knoxville
In this episode special guest reporter Elizabeth Chai interviews participants of the 2017 US Coffee Champs in Knoxville, Tennesee including Erika Vonie, Brian Beyke, Jenna Gotthelf, Aaron Rivkin, and then-not-yet-but-soon-to-be 2017 US Barista Champion Kyle Ramage.
Download the full episode here.
Episode Thirty-Eight: The One With Michelle Johnson
Zachary and Jordan talk to Sprudgie Award winner Michelle Johnson, founder of The Chocolate Barista. We interviewed Johnson earlier in the month and wanted to learn more about an event Johnson organized in March in Tempe, Arizona. Modbar and Michelle Johnson along with Augie’s Coffee Roasters and Presta Coffee Roasters teamed up to support the Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest.
Download the full episode here.
Watch this space for the announcement of the premiere of Season Two of the Coffee Sprudgecast! In the meantime, check out the full list of episodes here, subscribe to us on iTunes (and leave us a review!), and tell your family and friends to listen. Don’t forget to call our twenty-four-hour toll-free Sprudge Hotline at 1-888-55-SPRUDGE and ask us questions, breathe heavily into the handset, whisper us secrets, or whatever comes natural!