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Mobile Tesla Repair Vans Come Equipped With Espresso Machines

I want a Tesla so bad. They look cool, they’re eco-friendly, and with the new Model 3, they’re affordable-ish… if you consider $35,000 affordable, which good on ya if you do. Of course, here in Texas we can’t get Teslas because like with the car-buying experience itself, dealerships take the fun out of everything.

But if money and accessibility weren’t an issue, I’d definitely buy a Model 3. And if my imaginary Tesla ever needed servicing, I could call a portable repair unit to come fix the whip and my caffeine levels at the same time. According to Newser, Tesla is deploying a fleet of repair vans equipped with espresso machines.

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With the Model 3, Tesla is expecting to see a swath of new owners. To prepare for this, the electric car company is opening 100 new service centers and implementing 350 service vans to join the 150 service centers and 130 vans already in action. But these new vans, those are the ones you want tinkerin’ with your Tesla, because they come fully stocked with snacks and an espresso machine to make the wait just a little easier.

Still no word on exactly what sort of coffee-making equipment will come standard on the new vans, but there is little doubt it will be better than whatever it is that’s sitting on the burner at your local motorized auto dealership. The choice is simple. You can either choose an eco-friendly car where the repairs come to you and bring coffee that may or may not be good, or you can drive to that broken, gas-guzzling jalopy into the dealership to get fixed where they generally make a fresh pot every week, even if there’s some left over.

I’ll take my chances with the Teslatte.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

*top image via Teslarati

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