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Listen To The Latest Episode Of The Coffee Sprudgecast

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Hosts Jordan Michelman and Zachary Carlsen are back for another stirring episode of The Coffee Sprudgecast. Zachary Carlsen uses the new DJ Pour Over Electric Kettle from Lafeeca and the new Dwell Dripper from Verve Coffee to make coffees on the show, including offerings from Verve Coffee, Dito Coffee, and Sightglass Coffee Roasters.

The hosts talk about the Sprudge Design Awards and the semi-finalist categories:

Best Coffee Photograph of the Year

Pichit Sirirattanabunchai
Pilot Coffee Roasters
Hristo Harlov
James Robert Pipkin
Joshua Crane
Phillip Leeroy White-Jackson
Søren Stiller Markussen
Dayglow Coffee

Click here to learn about each semi-finalist in this category.

Best Home Coffee Design of the Year

Amer Ajami
Andrew Coe
Ben Lytle
Darren David
Drago Tomianovic
Giosue Josh D’Esposito
Manuel Huder
Pino Di Ioia

Read more about each semi-finalist in this category.

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Outstanding Design Achievement: Cafe/Roasting Facility

Common Grounds Coffee Roasters
EH9 Espresso
King’s Gambit Coffee Co.
Origin Coffee
Roseline Coffee
San Alberto Coffee
Shore Coffee Roasters
Spectracolor Coffee
Three Monkeys Coffee

Read more about each semi-finalist in this category.

Outstanding Packaging: Whole Bean

Atomic Coffee Roasters
The Boy & The Bear
Hard Lines
Ilse Coffee
Look Alive Coffee
Loquat Coffee
Torque Coffee
Madcap Coffee Company
motive coffee
Onyx Coffee Lab
People Possession
Roseline Coffee
Speckled Ax Wood Roasted Coffee

Read more about each semi-finalist in this category.

Outstanding Packaging: Seasonal or Limited Edition Design

The Barn
The Boy & The Bear
Brûlerie du Quai
Equator Coffees
Five Senses Coffee
Origin Coffee
Partners Coffee
PERC Coffee Roasters
Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters
Pilot Coffee Roasters

Read more about each semi-finalist in this category.

Semi-finals public voting is open from Tuesday, November 19th through Tuesday, December 3rd. We will announce Sprudge Design Award Finalists in all 24 categories on Friday, December 6th, 2024.

This episode of the Coffee Sprudgecast is sponsored by Ceado, Pacific Barista Series, La Marzocco, Ghirardelli, and DONA.

Listen to the complete episode right here:

This episode of the Coffee Sprudgecast is sponsored by Ceado, Pacific Barista Series, La Marzocco, Ghirardelli, and DONA.

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