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Wormhole Coffee on Chicago Public Radio [Video]

Hey, check it out: The Wormhole Coffee’s manager and coffee-brain-stuff visionary Stevie Baka, as featured by Chicago Public Media’s WBEZ 91.5.

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The Wormhole Coffee is in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood – you might have heard of them for having a freaking Delorian car inside their shop – but also they do really good coffee from really good roasters. Right now they’re serving guest coffees from Kickapoo Coffee, and their errday on the reg coffee is from Chicago’s own minty fresh brand new HalfWit Coffee Roasters.  Insider note: HalfWit’s ECX Top Lot was like the one bag we managed to smuggle home from last month’s Husker Brew event in Minneapolis, and srsly, it was deloshes.

The Harrison Gourd, Wormhole Coffee

Wormhole also has a signature drink right now made with sweet potato whipped cream, which sounds awesome, and their blog is actually really good – lots of great coffee producing country overviews, photoshops of Peruvian llamas, etc. So anyways, big ups to Wormhole, cool on the WBEZ video, and wow we’re really jet lagged, and really excited to go home to Portland later today, but also really looking forward to spending some time in Chicago next week for Kenya Dig It? – our sixth in a finite series of 2012 cupping parties hosted by Intelligentsia Coffee and Tea. See you soon, Chicago!

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