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London: Rwanda COE Cupping At Prufrock Coffee

This coming Wednesday, October 17th, a select few lucky Londoners will join Falcon Commodities and the folks at Prufrock Coffee for an extraordinary chance to cup all 26 national winners from the recent Rwanda Cup of Excellence, in preparation for the upcoming Rwanda COE auction. Along with a delicious cupping table, guests at the event will be treated to an informal chat on Rwandan coffees from Cory Bush, a Falcon employee with extensive knowledge of Rwanda having lived, worked, and traveled within that country for several years.

We understand that Prufrock Coffee is really, really excited about this cupping, and they’ve got every right to be, because top flight coffees from Rwanda are delicious. This is something we’ve learned from our Rwandalust cupping and saw first hand when we actually (somehow) totally got to (somehow) go there and write about it for a week with Fair Trade USA.

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What: Rwanda COE Cupping – 26 national winners from The Land of a Thousand Hills, presented by Falcon Commodities.

When: Wednesday, October 17th (more information available by invite only)

Where: Prufrock Coffee (23-25 Leather Lane, London)

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