The Crown: Royal Coffee Lab & Tasting Room from our friends and partners at Royal Coffee have a suite of educational offerings and online courses to keep your skills tip-top. Several courses are taking place between mid-October and mid-November and there’s something for just about everyone.

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Buying Green Coffee: What You Need to Know, is for folks in green buying or those looking to get into green buying. Happening October 14th, the class will cover coffee production and harvest times, supply chain logistics, importing and exporting, and green coffee sourcing strategies, amongst other topics.

screen royal

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Coffee Screen Sizes is a two-hour class—taking place October 28th—led by Royal’s Chris Kornman that will discuss how the affect different size and shape beans have, both commercially and thermodynamically. For this class, attendees will be provided 200g of coffee to sample roast (access to a sample roaster is required) that will then be cupped and discussed virtually.


Spice Specificity & Coffee is an advanced-level sensory class examining “the detailed nuance of aroma and flavor of various spices as they related to coffee tasting notes.” Happening November 18th, the class will revolve around the contents of a sensory kit—including both coffee and spice samples—that will be sent out to all attendees.

For those in the Bay Area, Royal has a few in-person events taking place over the next few months, including cuppings on October 29th and November 19th as well as a roasting theory and practice class on September 30th. In-person events are extremely limited in capacity and require proof of vaccination in order to attend.

The Crown also offers several webinars, presentations, and classes on demand. Check out the full slate of offerings here. For more information on the events, including times, prices, and registration deadlines (which vary depending on whether or not course materials need to be shipped out), visit Royal Coffee’s official website.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

Disclosure: Royal Coffee is an advertising partner with the Sprudge Media Network