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The Mokapod Is An Automated Option For Stove Top Espresso

mokapod mokapod

Everything’s coming up Moka Pot! Last week, we learned of a brand-new version of the stove top espresso maker that was a combination of modern art and bus accident. Now there’s another take on the iconic coffee maker. And while it does comes with a new look as well, the real draw is in the automation. Introducing the Mokapod, a one-button automatic countertop stove top espresso maker, and it’s live on Kickstarter now.

Created by Barcelona-based hardware brand Purple, the most immediately striking feature of the Mokapod is the design. It looks a little bit like a marigold Faberge egg with a dongle, and without knowing what it does, it’s not immediately obvious just from appearances what its function is. Functionally, though, it works like pretty much all other stove top espresso makers. You fill it with water, then add the basket with the espresso grounds.

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But instead of using the stove as the heat source, with the flip of a switch the Mokapod provides its own. And instead of having to watch over the brewer, the Mokapod will automatically dispense the coffee when the brewing is complete and shut itself off.

With just under three weeks left on the campaign, the Mokapod has raised €14,000  ($14,400USD) of its €20,000 ($21,000USD) goal. Current reward goals include the super early bird deal, with backers receiving a Mokapod for just €189 ($198USD), 30% off the €270 MSRP. Rewards are expected to begin shipping out in April.

Forgetting the fact that the campaign calls pour-over a “complicated” process that makes “diluted coffee” or that the AeroPress’s “kung-fu inspired brewing method anything but simple”—because if your product is actually good you don’t need to lie about why other products aren’t, especially in the coffee gadget world where the general sentiment is the more the merrier—the Mokapod offers a novel take on espresso-like coffee making. When you want that style of coffee, and without much in the way of a fuss, there aren’t really a lot of options out there on the market. The Mokapod could be the quick and easy espresso option to fill the gap.

For more information or to back the campaign, visit the Mokapod Kickstarter page.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

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