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 banner advertising Mill City Roasters 
 banner advertising Mill City Roasters Latte Art DigiContest Blogorama

There’s an MSM latte art contest afoot at…

Take a picture — or several, or many — of latte art, and email it to Please include the name of the coffee shop, date, and time you took the picture, and, if you’d like, the name of the barista who created the art. (Don’t you like to see people recognized for their work?)

advert new rules of coffee now available


Photos should be 400×600 minimum size, 72 dpi, but bigger is better. Please put “Foaming at the mouth” as the subject line of the email.

Pro: Winning free stuff from Bodum, getting your name and shop on

Con: This whole business about “Foaming at the mouth”.

Contest runs until April 6th! Whoever wins this thing ought to be a barista, and we’d love to see a Sprudge reader take the cake. Full details here.

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