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BREAKING: Paolo Dalla Corte Takes A Crowbar To An Espresso Machine


Whoa. Our friends and partners at Dalla Corte Espresso Systems put together a video and nobody here was prepared it. Its sheer out-of-left-field brilliance left us all at Sprudge HQ in shock: three minutes of Paolo Dalla Corte, the man behind the DC Pro espresso machine, completely wailing on a three-group with a crowbar. The action starts at 0:57.


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He just lets the machine have it!


Amazing garage metal is the soundtrack behind this four minute masterpiece, and the machine, while riddled with holes, is left largely in tact.


In following posts to Facebook, Mr. Dalla Corte cautions others not to try this at home:

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As suggested in another post, the video illustrates how durable the machine’s exterior is:

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In the latest post, Mr. Dalla Corte promises a follow up to the video:

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We eagerly await the follow-up.


Watch the video over on Facebook.

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