Sprudge.com’s original photography at Big Central Regionals is shot by Charlie Burt – he’s on Twitter as @Tiger_Friend
Here’s your schedule for the North Central Brewers Cup Finals – 6 competitors, competing on Saturday, January 19th starting at 2:05pm CST. Brewers Cup champions for both regions will be announced on Sunday, January 20th.
1. 2:05 Trevor Gruehn, Kickapoo Coffee Roasters, Viroqua, WI – @ThugLife4000 @KickapooCoffee
2. 2:30 Jonathan Colon, HalfWit Coffee Roasters, Chicago – @setyoursnares @HalfWitCoffee
3. 2:55 Alex Johnson, Quixotic Coffee, St. Paul, MN – @behindthebrew @quixotic_coffee
4. 3:20 Jon Ferguson, Dogwood Coffee Company, MPLS – @JonEFerguson @DogwoodCoffee
5. 3:40 Robbie Krask, HalfWit Coffee Roasters, Chicago – @HalfWitCoffee
6. 4:05 Katie Meyers, Alterra Coffee Roasters, Milwaukee – @AlterraCoffee
Sprudge.com coverage at Big Centrals made possible by direct support from PT’s Coffee, Kaldi’s Coffee, and Nuova Simonelli.