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Make A Video About Coffee And Win $10,000

Calling all filmmakers! Peet’s Coffee has teamed up with Project Greenlight Digital Studios – the folks behind that show with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck about making a movie – to create the “Ode to Coffee First” video contest, celebrating coffee in daily life. The winner will receive $10,000 and a year’s worth of Peet’s Coffee. $10,000!

The contest is fairly straightforward. Create a 30 second video that expresses your love of coffee and how it plays into your daily life. Entries will be judged on their authenticity, craftsmanship, originality (“[they’re] not looking for 30 second commercials”), virality, and story. After a panel of judges has reviewed every submission, ten finalists will be selected and have their ultimate fates decided by a public vote. The winner of the popular vote takes home the year’s supply of coffee and the $10,000, which could buy 667 pounds of Peet’s light roasted Colombia Luminosa. We’re talking almost 14 years’ worth of free coffee here.

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Project Greenlight will accept submissions from August 31st to September 16th, with the winner being officially announced October 12th. So get to work! You’ve got a little over three weeks before the deadline. That should be plenty of time. It can’t be any worse than the Ode to Coffee First announcement video.

For a full set of rules, visit the Ode to Coffee First contest page here.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

*top image via Steve Cachero of FortyOneTwenty Inc.

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