Running today via the NYT Online, some ace L.A. coffee coverage from the world’s coffee chronicler of note, Oliver Strand.
Featuring Spring For Coffee (serving Ritual, Intelli, Stumptown and Blue Bottle), Bru Coffee Bar (serving Ritual), Coffee Commissary (serving Coava, Sightglass and Victrola), Cognoscenti Coffee at Proof Bakery (serving Handsome, Four Barrel, Ecco and Coava), Espresso Cielo (49th Parallel), Espresso Profetala (Vivace), Intelligentsia Coffee, Paper Or Plastik (Intelligentsia & Ecco) all get their due mention.
Sorry regulars, you’re favorite cafes have been blown up. There truly are shocking variety of wonderful West Coast roasters in this very poly-roaster cafe friendly city.