The 2012 Canadian Barista Championship, one of the first national competitions for the 2013 World Barista Championship season, announced its champion this afternoon. Jeremy Ho of Phil & Sebastian will go on to Melbourne to compete in the WBC. Mr. Ho competed using a washed Yirgacheffe from the Koke region, emphasizing the desire for more traceability within the ECX system.

We followed along with viewers on Livestream and via Twitter using the hashtags #canadianbaristachampionship and #2012cnbc.

Here’s a complete look at your 2012 CNBC finalists:

6. Graham Bouvier
Fernwood Coffee, Victoria @fernwoodcoffee

Graham competed with fully washed bourbon and caturra coffee from Finca La Bolsa in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. You can buy this coffee online at Fernwood. [Full Presentation Video]

5. Sameer Mohammed
Fahrenheit Coffee, Toronto @fahrenheitTO

Mr. Mohammed served a flight of three Ethiopian coffees during his presentation. His espresso was Amaro. The cappuccino course was made with the Sidama Ardi. The signature drink was prepared using Adado from Yirgacheffe. [Full Presentation Video]

4. Georgia Henry
Dark Horse Espresso, Toronto @darkhorsecafe @dhgeorgia

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Georgia used Kochere, a washed Yirgacheffe from Detour Coffee. More info from Detour:

This coffee hails from Chyalalcktu village in the Kochere District of Southern Oromia.  The village has a population of 100,000 and has a health centre, high school and many other services.  Thirty percent of all coffee bearing the much sought after Yergacheffe name comes from this specific area.

We keep the roast light to let the delicate floral and fruited notes shine in this coffee. It’s also as good or better than last year and we’re very happy to have it again.

Georgia’s competition coffee is available online here. [Full Presentation Video]

4. Randy Hogg
Bridgehead, Ottawa @bridgehead

Super Mario Brothers visuals were a key component to Hogg’s presentation. Mr. Hogg used Huehuetenango coffee of Guatemala. Four part variety blend segregated by six different altitude zones. More from the folks at Bridgehead:

…coffee that is currently in our espresso blend – Tesoro de conception from Huehuetenango in Guatemala. This is a special coffee from the CODECH co-op, which separates their lots by altitude at the subsidiary co-op level and keeps them separate through the supply chain, so we are able to taste different offerings based on the zone segregation. Tesoro is zone 6, which is the highest altitude coffee offered by CODECH.

Bridgehead sells CODECH coffee online here. [Full Presentation Video]

5. Ben Put
Phil & Sebastian, Calgary @philandseb @Putankhamun

Ben served a Colombian coffee “that tastes like no other Colombian coffee”. It’s the La Esperanza from Mr. Isaias Cantillo in the Huila region. More from P&S:

In August, 2012, a trip to Colombia allowed Sebastian to visit, cup and plan with Isaias Cantillo. Isaias’ farm, La Esperanza, near the town of Suaza, is punctuated with sugar cane, mountain palm and tall citrus trees. At 1675 meters above sea level, Isaias grows coffee with notes of plum, coffee pulp, tomato and juicy lime acidity.

You can buy it online at Phil & Sebastian. [Full Presentation Video]

1. Jeremy Ho
Phil & Sebastian, Calgary @philandseb @OhYmerej

Traceability was Jeremy’s theme during his 2012 CNBC presentation. He competed using a washed Yirgacheffe coffee from the Koke region via the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange. More on his coffee via P&S:

This lot was purchased through the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange from a private washing station in the Koke sub-region near Yirga Cheffe. The Koke was the best lot Phil tasted of the hundreds he cupped on his last trip to Ethiopia in March, 2012. It’s a classic Yirga Cheffe with notes of black tea, lemon and peach.

Buy the 2012 CNBC winning coffee online at Phil & Sebastian! [Full Presentation Video]

Congratulations to all the 2012 Canadian National competitors!

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