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Coffee Recommendations From Bolivia, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, And More!

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We’re proud to work with some of the very best coffee roasters in the world. Looking for a coffee recommendation? Seeking fresh roasted coffee? Perhaps you want to find a new coffee to order online! Here is a fresh list of recommended coffee offerings from our roasting partners!

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Amavida Coffee Roasters
Camber Coffee Roasters
Equator Coffees
Intelligentsia Coffee
Joe Coffee
Madcap Coffee Company
Monogram Coffee
Night Swim Coffee
Olympia Coffee Roasters
Onyx Coffee Lab
Partners Coffee
PERC Coffee
Stumptown Coffee Roasters
Verve Coffee Roasters

Amavida Coffee Roasters

amavida coffee roasters natural bolvia aipep sprudge 2023

Amavida Coffee Roasters: Natural Bolivia AIPEP—This limited release offering is from the primary-level producer association AIPEP, located in the Yungas mountains of Bolivia. This premium lot was the product of a substantial quality project involving the construction of new drying tables. The project was fully funded by Cooperative Coffees impact fund, which is used to assist coffee farmers at origin. We found this natural processed coffee to be pleasantly dense, with notes of blueberry, grape and black tea in the cup.

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Camber Coffee Roasters

camber struttura sprudge 2023

Camber Coffee: Struttura—Struttura (meaning “structure”) is a sweet, weighty, and structured blend with notes of dark chocolate, molasses, and plum. It was carefully crafted to produce syrupy, dimensional, full-bodied espresso shots, while also brewing a vibrant, balanced cup of drip. We can’t wait for you to try this truly luxurious blend.

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cxffeeblack og guji mane sprudge 2023

CXFFEEBLACK: OG Guji Mane—Brought to you by an all black supply chain. Grown by black farmers in the town of Uraga in the Guji Zone of Oromia in Ethiopia, exported by Black community leaders Ture Waji, aka the “King Of Guji”and the big homie Mike Mamo of Bmore and Ethiopian acclaim through their collaborative effort, Green Spring Coffee. It was imported through the homies at Equatorial Coffee Consultants and roasted by Renata Henderson and Sydni Barnes, Black women carrying the legacy that Ethiopian women started over 2,000 year ago.

This coffee was naturally processed at a washing station in the Guji Zone of Oromia in Ethiopia, and reminds us of passionfruit, papaya, nougat, caramel and dark chocolate.

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Equator Coffees

equator el salvador finca himalaya pacamara natural

Equator Coffees: El Salvador Finca Himalaya Pacamara Natural—This is the ninth year we are featuring coffee from Mauricio “Moe” Salaverria’s farm, Finca Himalaya, which has been in the Salaverria Lagos family since 1875. This natural process coffee from El Salvador achieves sweet and fruit-forward flavors that don’t overpower the inherent qualities of the Pacamara variety.

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Intelligentsia Coffee

intelligentsia ontono blend sprudge roaster's village

Intelligentsia Coffee: Otoño Blend—Fall is here, and with it, the next release in our seasonal blend lineup. Otoño is inspired by the reflection that autumn brings, when nature reveals its texture and each step outdoors is a chance to slow down and observe a beautiful transition unfold. For these blend, ingredients were carefully selected from our menu by our coffee team and combine in a recipe designed to deliver the flavors of the season. The 2023 edition of Otoño features three In-Season lots from our single-origin menu and three of the world’s most celebrated coffee origins: our Ethiopia Washed Alaka, Kenya Kamviu, and Guatemala La Florida.

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Joe Coffee


joe coffee la familia guarnizo sprudge roaster's village

Joe Coffee: Colombia La Familia Guarnizo—This coffee comes to us through a strong relationship between Joe Coffee and the El Paraiso growers’ association in Huila, Colombia. This bright and light-bodied selection was grown by a special group of El Paraiso’s member farmers: the Guarnizo family. Featuring notes of stone fruit and almonds with a medium acidity, this coffee is a customer favorite.

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Madcap Coffee Company

madcap luis reinoso sprudge roaster's village

Madcap Coffee Company: Luis Reinoso—Luis Reinoso grows coffee in Tolima, Colombia, with his wife Yenni. Though this coffee bears his name, Luis is the first to emphasize that it’s an equal partnership between Yenni and himself. In this balanced cup of the Caturra and Bourbon varieties, expect notes of cherry, red apple, and nougat.

The Reinosos had the first coffee Madcap ever purchased from Colombia. Luis and Yenni operate on a small, secluded 11-hectare farm. There you’ll find Luis diligently keeping records while processing small batches and Yenni raking the drying coffee on top of the roof of their farmhouse.

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Monogram Coffee

monogram floripondio filter sprudge 2023

Monogram Coffee: Floripondio—Grown in a tropical microclimate with a distinct terroir, Floripondio is an ideal farm for experimenting with growing different varieties of coffee. It is a breathtaking farm, growing incredible coffees, and under the guidance of the Rodriguez family the coffees are grown, harvested and processed with close attention to detail every step of the way. Floripondio is a batian coco natural that has super clean and juicy flavours of plum and nougat with a creamy body.

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Night Swim Coffee

night swim nano genji#8 sprudge september 2023

Night Swim Coffee: Nano Genji #8—One of the cornerstones of the Night Swim Coffee menu are fresh Ethiopian coffees that arrive every summer from our friends at Red Fox Coffee Merchants. These historic and storied lots from the Agaro region of Ethiopia showcase the complexity, acidity, and florality that we’ve grown to expect from fresh Ethiopian coffees. We’re more thrilled than ever to offer a lot from Nano Genji – our first time buying from the co-op. Nano Genji is a part of the Kata Muduga Union, a union of 39 co-ops and washing stations that focus on quality coffees and paying dividends directly to the Union members.

Nano Genji is the sibling mill to the famed Nano Challa mill, featured on our menu last year. Historically one of the most coveted coffees in all of Western Ethiopia, Nano Challa membership did such an amazing job with production and processing that the tremendous premiums they were receiving caused their membership to swell to a level that pushed their capacity as far as it could go. In 2021, they opened Nano Genji a few miles away with brand new Penagos equipment along with dozens of drying beds to accommodate their growing membership. With 630 members between the two washing stations, they’re looking forward to continued growth and success. This lot, #8, from Nano Genji is delicate, nuanced, expressive, and absolutely delicious. It’s reminding us of floral white tea and bergamot with a deep and lasting, caramel like sweetness.

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Olympia Coffee Roasters

olympia colombia jose hernan salazar ethiopian landrace sprudge august 2023

Olympia Coffee Roasters: Jose Hernan Salazar Aji Ethiopian Landrace—This unique coffee was produced by José Hernán Salazar, from the town of Pitalito in southern Colombia. José’s coffee was initially brought to our attention at Colombia’s Cup of Excellence competitions in 2020 and 2021, where he won 6th and 5th place respectively. This lot is what José calls the “Ají” varietal, which is the Spanish word for chili pepper. José named it after noticing the spicy smell of its cherries. These delicate chili pepper-like qualities are also subtly present in the cup, giving this coffee a truly one-of-a-kind flavor – berry, caramel, and floral.

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Onyx Coffee Lab

panama creativa onyx giovana boutet anaerobic sprudge september 2023

Onyx Coffee Lab: Panama Creatvia Giovana Boutet Anaerobic—This anaerobic natural processed by our friends at Creativa Coffee District checks all the boxes we love about anaerobic processing. Layered, complex, and immensely sweet, this Catuai reminds us of ripe mangos and chocolate truffle, with the complexity and tactile of a cabernet. According to our very own production roasting assistant, this micro-lot has “just the right amount of funk.” We agree, Kenneth. We agree.

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Partners Coffee

partners coffee honduras las flores sprudge

Partners Coffee: Honduras – Las Flores—Finca Las Flores is one of three farms Roger Domínguez inherited from his father, 3.5 hectares ideally located at 1,500 meters within the celebrated coffee growing community of Marcala. The farm is mostly planted with catuaí under the shade of guachipilín, banana, orange, and pepeto trees. In a sweet and nuanced cup we taste concord grapes, spiced apple cider, orange zest, and gingerbread.

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PERC Coffee

perc ethiopia reko sprudge september 2023

PERC Coffee: Ethiopia Reko—Guess who’s back? It’s the dadgum fantabulous Ethiopia Reko, and we’re super stoked. This year’s crop is clean and bright, with soft floral notes that linger like the dang Cranberries. Your tongue will take a shvitz in flavors that remind us of honeysuckle, orange blossom, and white grape. This is an instant classic, y’all – get some!

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Stumptown Coffee Roasters

stumptown guatemala semillero sprudge 2023

Stumptown Coffee: Guatemala Semillero—Semillero was the first plot of land Luis Pedro Zelaya bought after graduating as an agronomist. It was originally intended as a seed farm, but as time went on Luis Pedro’s experiments produced more and more exquisite coffees. Today, Semillero produces some of the highest quality lots seen in the Zelaya family operation. This year’s lot is a round cup combining notes of creamy vanilla, nectarine, and plum, and it’s available exclusively to Stumptown’s Roaster’s Pick coffee subscribers.

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Verve Coffee Roasters

verve sumavo lactico sprudge september 2023

Verve Coffee: Costa Rica Sumava Lactico Natural—Sweet Magnolia florals greet the nose at the first sip, complemented by the soft touch of White Peach. Concord Grape is woven throughout with a similar profile to natural wine, finishing the cup with a sparkling mouthfeel. Francisco Mena’s coffee has been sprinkled throughout our menu year after year, and he is someone that we are proud to partner with. His coffees have exceptionally clean profiles and are consistently high quality. A large part of his experimentation is lactic processing. The process begins with the harvest of perfectly ripe cherries. The cherries’ skin is left intact and they are placed in small bags, which are then placed into large buckets. The buckets or barrels are rotated for 36 hours to ferment, which is when the sugars from the cherry become food for the yeast and bacteria that are responsible for the fermentation. The time and attention to craft is what makes this cup so special.

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