A Mickey Mouse, to be exact! Something is brewing in Anaheim this summer, where Disneyland goers and java addicts have a latte to be buzzed about.
The Seattle coffee giant Starbucks has announced plans to open six cafes within the park. The first, Fiddler, Fifer & Practical Café on Buena Vista Street, will have a 1920s Los Angeles vibe, complete with vintage attired baristas and “classic” Frappuccino flavors, like “Honey Sassafras Blended Creme”, “Lime Ginger Phosphate Blended Tea”, and “Moka Java Cinnamon Spice Blended Coffee”.
The breakfast sandwiches and pastries served will also be “of the era”, with menu items like Canape of Anchovie Tea Sandwiches, Cream of Celery Sliders, Aiguillette of Striped Bass Joinville Paninis, Medallion of Spring Lamb Bites, Steamed Marmalade Pudding Cups, and Jellied Tongue Harlequin Salad.
Starbucks isn’t just expanding their coffee offerings into childhood fantasy fun parks: they’ve seen their exposure skyrocket by offering coffee to the International Space Station, with weightless service planned for flights on Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic. Best of all, the company plans to outfit this summer’s line of Goofy costumes with extra room for a little cold brew.