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Privacy on Ice: Pedro Pascal Reveals Trauma After 2023 Coffee Order Drama

pedro pascal pedro pascal

In the world of hot coffee news there is no coffee news hotter than [checks note] Pedro Pascal ordering six shots of espresso in two years ago. It’s all anyone can talk about really. Pedro Pascal this, six shots over ice that. The world is so abuzz with it that Pascal went on Jimmy Kimmel recently to clear the air—and not at all because he’s on a press tour behind the new season of his HBO show The Last Of Us.

In case you missed it, back in 2023, Pedro Pascal’s coffee order was outed by a TikTok user who took a photo of the actor holding a Starbucks cup, which exposed his caffeinated proclivities to the world. Which is six shots of espresso in a venti cup, served over ice. It’s excessive.

In the interview with Kimmel, Pascal described it as “violating” and that “it was an incredibly private morning ritual that I never wanted anyone to know about.” He stated that there was “so much context” around the insane drink order. “It was always a quad,” Pascal explained. “But then I feel like the cups got bigger and, I don’t know, the shots got less strong. And at some point, it became six.”

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Pascal also claims it’s his only coffee of the day and that it has a functional purpose. “You get really high and you answer emails and stuff.”

The reemergence of this story raises many questions around the Sprudge offices. Should coffee professionals protect the privacy of a patron’s personal preferences? What about celebrities, who live in the public eye? Is the coffee journalist’s responsibility to keep those private? Or would publishing them be some kind of SIPAA violation?

There was intense debate over whether or not to run with this story, which we ultimately chose to do at the insistence of one editor who claimed that, “I think I’m big on this story because his drink is basically my drink.” So in the name of fairness and journalistic integrity, it should also be recorded into the annals of history that Sprudge co-founder Zachary Carlsen’s preferred coffee drink is an iced quad Americano. Sharpen your pitchforks, everyone.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

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