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There’s A Five-Alarm Fire Sale In The Sprudge Shop Right Now

You heard right: just in time for the holiday buying season, our exclusive Sprudge Shop is making it hot hot hot with deals deals deals! Happening Wednesday, November 27th through Monday, December 2nd, everything in the Sprudge Shop is 40% off. Everything.

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We’re talking Third Wave Vintage, Tea shirts, MILK. FROM. A. BEAST., Melitta Bentz totes, books, even the classic Sprudge cat shirts. It’s a deal! It’s a steal! It’s the sale of the century to celebrate ten years of Sprudge!

But I hear you asking, “What about POGs? And what about those bizarre Proud Parent bumper stickers?” To which I say, of course those are 40% off! Everything is 40% off.

Listen, I’m going to be straight with you. The Sprudge founders are asleep at the wheel and have no idea about the deep, deep discounts we’re offering. And when they find out, hoo boy are they going to be one foamy extra hot cappuccino, if you catch my drift. You should probably act now before they shut down this whole operation and fire us all… straight out of a cannon into outer space.

I’ll hold them off as long as I can. Go on without me and make sure you take with you as much sweet merch as you can carry. The Sprudge Shop Tenth Anniversary Sale runs until 11:59pm PST on Monday, December 2nd. Or until you start hearing the cannon fire, whichever comes first.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

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