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Mushroom Coffee Is Having A Moment
Swap Roasts With The Legendary Coffee Exchange From Cafe Imports
Should You Drink Coffee After 70?

Swap Roasts With The Legendary Coffee Exchange From Cafe Imports

legendary coffee exchange legendary coffee exchange

The Legendary Coffee Exchange is back! That’s right, Cafe Imports‘ coffee swap for roasters is back for a second installment to help facilitate more industry connections through sensory exploration, and there are still two days left to sign up!

After a successful initial first run—just six months ago though it already feels a lifetime away—Cafe Imports’ Legendary Coffee Exchange was meant as a means to bring roasters together in a time when the interconnected world felt anything but.

regalia roasting collective long island new york
A coffee roaster (Photo by Katrina Yentch)

Signing up is simple and free. All you need to do is go to the Cafe Imports website to register, where you will be asked a few questions: name, roaster name, contact info, and shipping address as well as a ranked preference of growing region you’d like to swap—Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, and “Wildcard”.

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From there, Cafe Imports will pair you with another roaster to trade eight to 16oz of single-origin coffee you roasted from the growing region you were assigned. You’ll then schedule some time with your swap buddy to cup both coffees, yours and theirs, to deep dive into some sensory analysis. This can be done through Zoom, FaceTime, email, whatever works for you two.

dynamite roasting design sprudge facility 4
A roasting warehouse (From Coffee Design: Dynamite Roasting)

The Legendary Coffee Exchange is open to all roasters in the United States and Canada and is free to take part. To sign up, visit the Cafe Imports official website and fill out the form. Registration must be completed by Wednesday, November 10th.

Roast coffee, taste coffee, all with your new coffee best friend.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

Disclosure: Cafe Imports is an advertising partner with the Sprudge Media Network

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