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Sprudge Bay Area HQ: Three Spaces That Work Well

Over the last two years, a significant amount of has been developed, written and published in public spaces – namely, cafes and bars. In our humble beginnings, we operated primarily out of Oddfellows Cafe in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, huddled up together over a single beat-up MacBook. Oddfellows had three things we always look for in a good work spot: WiFi, good coffee and tasty food. Even better, they also had outlets and booze – y’know, for when the blog sessions ran long.

We’ve since moved away from Seattle, splitting our home base between Portland and San Francisco, so we thought we’d write a little duet of features about the spaces in our new cities we’ve grown to love. Sprudge HQ Bay Area initially found it difficult to locate a spot that had those three qualifications for a great cafe work environment, but fourteen months later we’re happy to share with with you three that are just fantastic.

SeeSaw – Hayes Valley

Serving: Four Barrel Coffee.

Great for: pluggin’ in your laptop, eating delicious Scandinavian foods.

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Extra credit: Stroopwaffels! Like being back in Amsterdam, but with fewer canals and an unfortunate lack of Jen Prince.

Stable – Mission (Folsom & 17th)

Serving: De La Paz

Great for: Farm to table lunches, working outdoors

Extra credit: Beer and wine!

CoffeeBar SF – Potrero Hill

Serving: Mr. Espresso

Great for: Drinking rosé, plugging in

Extra credit: Jaw dropping view of the Twin Peaks

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Sprudge PDX HQ: Three Spaces That Work Well

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