banner advertising Mill City Roasters Recommends: The PINO Electric Kettle

Sprudge’s International Headquarters in Amsterdam recently went on a passionate hunt for the perfect electric kettle. After doing extensive research on the topic, we’ve happily decided to go with the PINO Electric Kettle, available at Sweet Maria’s web shop. From SM:

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I don’t know exactly why I am so excited about the Pino Digital Kettle Pro. I need a lot of hot water, not just for cupping coffee samples, but for pour-over brewing with our Clever Coffee Dripper, for making French Press, and for herbal tea infusions at bedtime. I also have the bad habit of forgetting that I am heating water on the stove. I will evaporate a full pan of water before I remember I had it on the burner … which led me to use the Bodum Ibis kettle. It’s a fine one too, but I also forget about it, and then my water is cool and I need to heat it again.

So, here is the pretty sleek Pino Digital Kettle Pro, an electric kettle that will heat water to a temperature that I preset, and hold it there until I am ready for it or remember it, whichever comes first. It has a 50 oz (~1.5 Liter capacity), and the electric base is separate from the kettle top. It is 1000 watts, a bit lower than some other electric kettles, but will heat a full 1.5 liters from tap temperature to 205 in 9 minutes, and will heat 16 ounces of water in 2 minutes. In 2 months of use, my kettle has become slightly louder as it heats water, for some reason; just something odd I noticed.

Also worth reading: PINO wins on

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