All first-round Brewers Cup performances are presented in “silent auction” style, with presentations to follow on Finals Sunday for the top 6 competitors.

Day One – March 9th, 10 competitors beginning at 1pm

1. 1:oo Jen Apodaca, Ecco Caffee, Santa Rosa – @jenemiga, @eccocaffe

2. 1:08 Joe Harrison, Portola Coffee Lab, Costa Mesa – @PortolaCoffee

3. 1:16 Amber Johnson, Fix Coffee, LA – @Barista_Amber

4. 1:24 Jack Benchakul, Demitasse, LA – @SJpChef, @CafeDemitasse

5. 1:32 JanKarl Hayes, Independent, Englewood, CO

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6. 1:40 Jonathan Lui, Spring For Coffee, LA – @SpringForCoffee

7. 1:48 Peter Molignano, Fortnight Coffee Company, LA – @CoffeeTruckLa

8. 1:56 Ant Walach, Sightglass Coffee, SFO – @bustedknuckle, @sightglass

9. 2:04 Lalo Perez-Varona, Independent, San Francisco – @esproblog

10. 2:12 Rob Klassen, The French Press, Santa Barbara -@leFrenchPress


Day Two – March 10th, 10 competitors beginning at 1pm

11. 1:00 Alexandra LittleJohn, Cafecito Organico, Costa Mesa, CA – @RavenSpeaking, @cafecitorganico

12. 1:08 Michael Mancos, Valhalla Coffee, Tacoma (out of region) – @ValhallaRoaster

13. 1:16 Jonathan Stauf, Top Dog Coffee Roasters, Morro Bay, CA – @topdogcoffeebar

14. 1:24 Bennett Cross, Blue Bottle Coffee, Oakland – @bcross, @bluebottleroast

15. 1:32 Ian Levine, Verve Coffee Roasters, Santa Cruz – @CaptTomCollins, @vervecoffee

16. 1:40 Andrew Villa, Bellano Coffee, Santa Clara, CA – @villaphoto, @bellanocoffee

17. 1:48 Christopher Hersberger, OZO Coffee Co., Boulder – @ozocoffee

18. 1:56 Navin Sivakumar, Ritual Coffee Roasters, SFO – @NavinSivakumar, @ritualcoffee

19. 2:04 Mike Mierzejewski, Single Origin Coffee, LA – @mikemierz, @SOcoffeeLA

20. 2:12 Chris Casassa, Ritual Coffee Roasters, SFO – @LoveofC, @ritualcoffee

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