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Rancilio Group Returns To East London For The 2023 London Coffee Festival

rancilio lcf rancilio lcf

From the 20th to the 23rd of April The Truman Brewery in East London lights up again for the return of the London Coffee Festival, the event which celebrates London’s lively and vibrant coffee scene. Rancilio Group will be present to welcome the 30,000 industry professionals and coffee enthusiasts who are expected to attend this year’s event.

2022 Barista League champion Claudia Cho Ngai Lam will also join Rancilio Group team in this occasion to work alongside Invicta, the new single boiler espresso machine equipped with Steady Brew technology. RS1 will complete the line giving visitors the chance to test its Pre-Infusion and Advanced Temperature Profiling technology first-hand.

Rancilio Home Line aficionados can try out the single group espresso machine with dual boiler technology Silvia Pro X and the new ultra-compact coffee grinder Stile suitable for the home and coffee shops.

For those looking for a more modern, automated touch, the elegant fully automatic coffee machine Egro Next Pure Coffee will double its presence: one version with iSteam for flawless textured milk and one version without steam boiler to maximize energy savings. This special setup offers ease-of-use and top-quality extraction technologies for establishments with high volume consumption bringing the Next Pure Coffee productivity to 4 cups of coffee per service.

Featuring over 250 artisan coffee, tastings and demonstrations from world-class baristas, live music and interactive workshops, the London Coffee Festival is the caffeine fueled event coffee lovers do not want to miss.

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Tickets available at

London Coffee Festival/Rancilio Group

20-23 April 2023

Ground Floor G1, Booth G24, The Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, E1 6QR London

For additional information on the event

Follow the event on Instagram

@rancilio_official #rancilio
@ranciliospecialty #ranciliospecialty
@londoncoffeefestival #londoncoffeefestival2023

Discover our products on display

Egro Next
Rancilio Silvia Pro X
Rancilio Silvia
Rancilio Stile
Rancilio Kryo
Rancilio Specialty Invicta
Rancilio Specialty RS1

This press release was provided to Sprudge for Sprudge Press Releases. Interested in submitting a press release? Get in touch!

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