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Ninth Street Imports Prufrock’s Menu

Ken Nye has brought Gwilym Davie’s progressive espresso menu to his three cafes in New York City. From Ninth Street’s website:

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In 2005 we introduced a purist approach to the espresso menu by offering only seven traditional drinks. Now, we want to take this another step further by getting away from the descriptives that seem to cause more confusion than clarity. Our new menu will allow the Bartenders at Ninth Street to hand craft drinks in a way that will showcase our signature approach. It will also allow us to satisfy the styles and preferences of our guests from all over the world, all with four simple cups. We hope you enjoy.

Handsome Coffee Roasters in LA have also adopted “third and a half wave” menu. We think it’s the jam.

(Hat tip: @manskngcoffee)

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