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The Sixteenth Annual Sprudgie Awards Finalists
It Take A Village—A Roaster’s Village!—To Bring You This Many Good Coffees

It Take A Village—A Roaster’s Village!—To Bring You This Many Good Coffees

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We get asked by friends and family where to buy coffee a lot. It’s a tough question! It’s easy to lose track of just how many incredible, fresh, vibrant coffees are out there. Every week, we ask our advertising roasting partners for coffee recommendations they’re most excited about. Here’s this week’s collection of some of the most interesting whole bean coffee offerings available from talented roasters across the globe.

Our coffee newsletter subscribers get this list each week, a few days before anyone else—check it out over at Substack.roasters village 1

Bekele Kachara- Murago Natural, Ethiopia

Bekele employs a meticulous approach to coffee farming, using shaded pre-drying beds on-site and nurturing specific coffee varieties. he uses organic methods, fertilizing his farm with compost or agricultural residues. His expertise in coffee processing comes from years of experience, including work at stations in the Bensa and Bona districts of the Sidama region. Bekele Kachara is a single producer and farm owner/operator located in the small area of Murago within the Sidama region.
Our flavor notes: Creamy blueberry, stone fruits, milk chocolate

Heartwood Bekele Kachara- Murago Natural, Ethiopia Sprudge Roaster's Village $28/12oz.

The Barn
Huye Mountain Washed

Following our naturally processed lot from Huye Mountain, we are excited to share another release from Rwanda. For many seasons, this Red Bourbon has been a favourite of ours, with everything you could want from a Rwandan coffee. Expect smooth milk chocolate and hint of citrus: a deliciously balanced profile with clean, complex flavour.

The Barn Huye Mountain Washed Sprudge Roaster's Village €15.50/250g

Madcap Coffee
Miguel Ortiz

The very first producer we worked with out of Santa Bárbara, Honduras, was Miguel Ortiz. Miguel is a lifetime coffee farmer operating his farm, La Guinellera, alongside his wife and children. Viewed as the patriarch of Las Flores, we met him on our initial visit to this increasingly famous micro-region and knew that his coffee was a showcase of what makes this region so unique.
The climate in Las Flores is cool, making the harvest one of the later ones we find in all of Central America. During harvest, a team of 10-15 people – mostly family – harvest the cherry. After harvest, the coffee is first dry fermented for 16 hours. The coffee then moves to a parabolic dryer, an opaque greenhouse that utilizes solar power for drying agricultural products, for roughly 7 days. In this year’s harvest, expect a complex body with notes of cherry blossom, melon, and sweet pink lemonade.

Madcap Coffee Santa Barbara Honduras Sprudge Roaster's Village $23/8oz.

Equator Coffees
Costa Rica Puente Tarrazu Gesha

This fully-washed processed Gesha coffee comes from Finca San Martín, a small farm in the esteemed Tarrazú growing region. We tasted this single origin coffee while visiting San José, Costa Rica and instantly fell in love.Puente Tarrazú is a must-try for fans of Gesha’s sweet and delicate floral profile, showcasing flavors of peach, honey, and jasmine tea.Roasted fresh & shipped from the Equator Coffees roastery every Wednesday

Equator Costa Rica Puente Tarrazu Sprudge Roaster's Village $31/6oz.

Partners Coffee
Colombia – Vladimir Calambás

Vladimir Calambás grows borbón de la montaña, a relatively unknown cultivar specific to Inzá, Cauca. Introduced to us last year by our friends at Pergamino, it appears to be a local mutation of bourbon that is well adapted to the area’s highest (and coldest) elevations. A slight departure from the citric acidity we most closely associate with Inzá, we’re tasting more berry and floral notes. Think watermelon, cherry, strawberry, and caramel.

Partners Coffee Colombia Vladimir Calambás Sprudge Roaster's Village $25/12oz.

Klatch Coffee
Eureka Espresso

Eureka, you’ve struck gold! Our newest espresso is here, and we’re thrilled to welcome it to the Klatch Coffee family. Be among the first to experience Eureka—a smooth, chocolatey delight with notes of caramelized sugar and creamy vanilla. Every sip delivers a golden crema that’s sure to brighten your day. Subscribers to our Barista’s Choice Espresso Club got a sneak peak of Eureka in February 2025, as a members-only exclusive that was sent to Club members before it was offered to the general public. Now, Eureka is available to everyone as part of Klatch Coffee’s collection of award-winning, top-rated espresso whole beans.

Klatch Eureka Espresso Sprudge Roaster's Village $17.95/310g

Phil & Sebastian
Jose Cuellar Pink Bourbon & Bourbon Aji

This blend of Pink Bourbon and Bourbon Aji comes from Jose Cuellar – a rare coffee producer in Huila, Colombia. He’s been in coffee for a very long time, but his latest venture has taken him out of the normal path of Colombian coffee production. He has planted eight different coffee varieties and has been working through many super cool processing experiments.

Phil & Sebastian Jose Cuellar Pink Bourbon & Bourbon Aji $14CAD/200g

Night Swim Coffee
Nano Genji #6

We’re more thrilled than ever to offer a lot from Nano Genji – our first time buying from the co-op. Nano Genji is a part of the Kata Muduga Union, a union of 39 co-ops and washing stations that focus on quality coffees and paying dividends directly to the Union members. Nano Genji is the sibling mill to the famed Nano Challa mill, featured on our menu last year. Historically one of the most coveted coffees in all of Western Ethiopia, Nano Challa membership did such an amazing job with production and processing that the tremendous premiums they were receiving caused their membership to swell to a level that pushed their capacity as far as it could go. In 2021, they opened Nano Genji a few miles away with brand new Penagos equipment along with dozens of drying beds to accommodate their growing membership. With 630 members between the two washing stations, they’re looking forward to continued growth and success. This lot, #6, from Nano Genji is bright and refreshing, with bold citrus and fruity notes that instantly remind us of cherry-limeade from Sonic or peach green tea on a warm spring/summer day.

Night Swim Nano Genji #6 Sprudge Roaster's Village $24/12oz.

La Barba Coffee
Pepe Jijon Typica Wave

With a bright and pleasantly crisp acidity, fruit flavors such as green grape and apple produce a clean first couple sips. Gradually, the cup becomes sweeter, fruitier, and lends a subtle floral note, still maintaining an enjoyably vibrant acidity, making this one of Jijon’s most impressive coffees.
Notes : Green Grape, Apple, Clean

La Barba ecuador pepe jijon sprudge roaster's village $38/8oz.

Stumptown Coffee Roasters
Hair Bender

The coffee that started it all: Hair Bender is Stumptown’s signature blend, a recipe perfected over 25 years ago. We can tell you it’s a complex blend with notes of sweet citrus, dark chocolate, and raisin, but we can’t tell you how it’ll make you feel. It just . . . makes you feel things, lots of really good things.

Stumptown Hair Bender Sprudge Roaster's Village $18/12oz.

Dune Coffee Roasters
Ecuador Hacienda La Papaya Washed Typica

The Typica variety that Juan grows at Hacienda La Papaya was our first introduction to these coffees, and these coffees have always impressed us with the flavors Juan is able to cultivate and develop from this unique expression of the variety. Juan’s washed process has undergone continuous refinement since the first year we tasted their coffees, with ripe cherries undergoing sorting and floating before a 15 hour fermentation and moving to ultraviolet radiation-protected drying rooms, fitted with temperature and humidity sensors for meticulous drying.
This year, Juan’s washed Typica is quintessential of the flavors we’ve come to find from this variety and terroir: sweet citrus, dense caramel and brown sugar sweetness, and white flower florality

Dune Coffee Ecuador Hacienda La Papaya Washed Typica Sprudge Roaster's Village $25/10oz.

Colombia Young Producers Program

Our partners at Unblended created the Young Producers program to make coffee farming an exciting and viable career path for young people in Colombia. The program pairs young producers with seasoned veterans to help them with their own coffee. We can’t stop talking about how much we love this coffee. You’ll get an explosion of intense fruit that reminds us of pink Starburst.

Perc Coffee Colombia Young Producers Program Sprudge Roaster's Village $25/12oz.

Sightglass Coffee Roasters
Spring Equinox

Orange Blossom, Tamarind, Strawberry
Roast Level:Medium Dark
Named for the celestial shift from winter to spring, marked by nearly equal amounts of daylight and darkness across all latitudes, our Spring Equinox blend is crafted from a 50/50 composition of high-altitude coffees from Guatemala and Kenya. The result is a unique blend that celebrates a season of renewal through a deeply sweet and delicately fruited coffee that shines.

Sightglass Spring Equinox Sprudge Roaster's Village $23/12oz.

Olympia Coffee
San Sebastian Reserva

Our San Sebastian Reserva, sourced from producers in San Sebastian De La Plata, Huila, features the highest-scoring lots of the season grown at lofty elevations over 1,700 meters.

Olympia Coffee San Sebastian Reserva $24/12oz.

Passenger Coffee & Tea

The most recent addition to our Foundational Menu, this delightfully sweet and approachable coffee comes from producers Pranoy and Ajoy Thipaiah of Kerehaklu Estate. Kerehaklu is one of a small group of family-run coffee farms that together make up the Bhadra partnership. All of these estates are located near the Bhadra Tiger Reserve, in the historically significant coffee-growing region of Chikmagalur, India. Notes of citrus, black tea, stone fruit

Passenger Coffee & Tea India Bhadra Sprudge Roaster's Village $19/250g

Mr. Espresso
Java Gunung Tikukur, Washed Process

West Java is quickly making its mark in the coffee world. Only about 15 years ago, the Indonesian government launched an initiative to lease private land to local farmers for coffee farming, aiming to protect the area’s lush forests from logging. The forward-thinking programming has transformed the region into a hub for exceptional coffee production. Part of Mr. Espresso’s limited-edition Collezione di Caffè, this washed micro-lot comes from West Java’s Cipaganti Village. Collected directly from small farmers, coffee varietals include Catimor, Tim Tim, Typica, and Gayo II — all grown at high altitudes of around 5,700 feet. For this fully washed coffee, ripe cherries are pulped, dry-fermented for sixteen hours, and then thoroughly washed. The coffee is then placed in a solar dryer, until the optimum moisture content is reached.While washed coffee processing is traditional to the region, it had fallen out of favor as producers transitioned to meet a demand for wet-hulled coffees made popular in neighboring Sumatra. The Mr. Espresso sourcing team was exceptionally impressed by this coffee’s vibrancy, showcased by the region’s traditional processing method. Java Gunung Tikukur offers a complex cup, with flavors such as peach, toasted almond, and basil.

Mr. Espresso Java Gunung Tikukur Sprudge Roaster's Village 12oz./$20

Verve Coffee Roasters
Gura AA

Juicy, jammy and expressive, this year’s AA lot from Gura is nothing short of delicious. Tropical guava notes greet your palate with the first sip, followed by a sweet strawberry and fudge finish.

Verve Gura AA Sprudge Roaster's Village $26/ 12oz.

Onyx Coffee Lab
Colombia Tio Conejo Gesha Natural

In the high mountains of Caldas, Colombia, Tío Conejo cultivates coffee with a commitment to tradition, community, and resilience. Nestled at 2,000 MASL on rich volcanic soil, their farm’s high altitude and meticulous practices yield exceptional quality. That quality shows in the cup with pungent fruit characteristics throughout the drinking experience, culminating in pink guava and watermelon candy.

Onyx Coffee Lab Colombia Tio Conejo Gesha Natural Sprudge Roaster's Village $52/10oz.

Joe Coffee
Rubí Sisters Catuaí

Candied Lemon, Almond Paste, Cinnamon
Perched between the Sierra La Esperanza and Santa Bárbara mountains in Las Vegas, Honduras, lies Finca Ruland 2—a specialty coffee farm as beautiful as it is biodiverse, owned and operated by the Rubí-Landaverde family.
As a second generation coffee grower, daughter Andrea Rubí helped to usher in a new era for her family—launching them into specialty coffee as the culmination of two decades of farming heritage. Coming into the business with a fresh perspective, Andrea saw the value of moving their practice away from sole reliance on the commodity coffee industry, and—in addition to their newer frontier of experimentation—she now heads up their initiative to forge more direct relationships with coffee companies and roasters like Joe.

Joe Coffee Rubi Sisters Catuai Sprudge Roaster's Village $25/12oz.

Pachamama Coffee Farmers

Grown on the volcanic shores of Lago Atitlán, this is an exceptional single origin coffee from Guatemala.
Single Origin: Santa Clara, Guatemala
Member Co-op: Manos Campesinas
Roast: Medium
Always Shade Grown + Certified Organic

Pachamama Guatemala Sprudge Roaster's Village $19.50/10oz.

Fruit Of Our Labor

1650-1850 MASL
TASTING NOTES: Strawberry,Dark Chocolate, and PassionFruit

CXFFEEBLACK Fruits Of Our Labor Sprudge Roaster's Village $21/8oz.
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The Sixteenth Annual Sprudgie Awards Finalists

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