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In Marseille, A New Market Fresh Concept For Deep Coffee

deep coffee 2 deep coffee 2

Every cup of coffee is a world traveler. The coffee you drink each day—perhaps even right now, as you read these words—is a miracle of global commerce, import and export, artisan cultivation and careful, attendant production at every step of the chain. But sometimes our urge to connect with coffee makes world travelers of us all. That’s why today we’re hopping an international flight, with a minimal layover and cheeky connecting shuttle, all the way to Marseille, France to check out the latest location of Deep Coffee. Sprudge readers may recall Deep’s absolutely stunning refurbished newsstand cafe, featured in a previous edition of our Build Outs of Coffee series. Well today, we’re taking—can you believe it—an even deeper look at Deep Coffee, checking out their newest coffee bar.

Let’s get deep, shall we?

Want your cafe to be considered for a Sprudge Maps Spotlight? All you have to do is register your shop for Sprudge Maps, our user-driven compendium of coffee shops around the globe. And the best part is, it’s completely free! Sign up today!

Sprudge Maps is presented by La Marzocco and Pacific Barista Series

As told to Sprudge by Tony Collins

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Introduce yourself to our readers—tell us about your cafe!

This is the third location for Deep, after our main shop and a refurbished newsstand. We are now launching a coffee stand in a new indoor farmer market (first of its kind in Marseille) and we also built a proper baking lab in that space so we can serve fresh in house pastries all day.

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What equipment do you use in your shop?

La Marzocco KB90 for espresso
Tone for filter coffee (batch and automated v60 pour-over)
Two Mahlkönig E80GbW grinders for espresso
One EK43 for filter

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Which roaster or roasters do you serve?

Deep Coffee, as we have our roasting facility located nearby.

What is the neighborhood like where you’re located? What’s some other cool stuff nearby?

Very vibrant, located to the old port, which is the center of Marseille and in a new indoor facility that houses food stands and farmer market.

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What’s something cool or unique about your cafe you want folks to know?

We decked out our bar with state of the art coffee equipment and baking lab, so we can deliver fresh and well executed drinks and food.

Thank you!

Want your cafe featured in a Sprudge Maps Spotlight? Register your shop for Sprudge Maps, our user-driven compendium of coffee shops around the globe. It’s completely free. Sign up today!

Sprudge Maps is presented by La Marzocco and Pacific Barista Series

Find Us On Sprudge Maps

Photos by Deep Coffee, used with permission

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