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Here’s A Complete Schedule For The World Barista Championship Semi-Finals


This is your quick reference schedule for Semi-Finals at the 2014 World Barista Championship, hosted by World Coffee Events in Rimini, Italy. Your official WBC Livestream is available here. 

All times are in CETConversion tables for your local time are available here. is proud to serve as an Official Media Partner of World Coffee Events throughout the 2014 season. For play-by-play coverage of every competitor live from Rimini, follow @SprudgeLive on Twitter.’s coverage of the 2014 World Barista Championship is made possible by direct support from Nuova Simonelli.

1. 10:15 Christos Loukakis, TAF, Greece @chrisbarista @tafcoffee

Greek Barista Champion Christos Loukakis

2. 10:38 Hidenori Izaki, Maruyama Coffee Co., Japan @maruyamacoffee @hcoespsp

Japanese Barista Champion Hidenori Izaki-6697

3. 11:01 Coen Van Sprang, Bocca Coffee Roasters, The Netherlands @boccacoffee

Dutch Barista Champion Coen van Sprang-5819

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4. 11:24 Pete Williams, 3FE, Ireland @3fe

Irish Barista Champion Pete Williams

5. 11:47 Erna TosbergRoestbar, Germany @kommissar_ern

German Barista Champion Erna Tosberg

6. 12:10 Kapo Chiu, The Cupping Room, Hong Kong @TheCuppingRoom

Barista Champion of Hong Kong Kapo Chiu

7. 12:33 Tse-Lin (Berg) Wu, Simple Kaffa, Taiwan @simplekaffa

Taiwanese Barista Champion Tse-Lin (Berg) Wu

8. 12:56 Laila Ghambari, Cherry Street Coffee House, United States @cherrystreet @lay_luh

United States Barista Champion Laila Ghambari-6957

9. 1:19 Craig Simon, Think Tank Coffee, Australia @craig_simon @ThinkTankCoffee

Australian Barista Champion Craig Simon

10. 1:42 William Hernandez, Viva Espresso, El Salvador @williamhve @VivaEspresso1

Barista Champion of El Salvador, William Hernandez

11. 2:05 Ben Put, Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters, Canada @philandseb @putankhamun

Canandian Barista Champion Ben Put

12. 2:28 Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood, Colonna & Small’s, United Kingdom @colonna_smalls

British Barista Champion Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood-6163

Photos by Eileen P. Kenny for 


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