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2014 World Barista Championship Day Two: All The Videos, Tweets, And Photos

USA crowd

Twenty-five national barista champions wowed the crowd at Round One Day Two of the 2014 World Barista Championship today in Rimini, Italy. This is the World Cup of Coffee. We have a team on hand in Rimini to provide wall-to-wall coverage—nonstop Twitter commentary from the editors of Sprudge via @SprudgeLive, with regular photo dumps on Facebook and Instagram from Eileen P. Kenny.

Tomorrow the competition marches onward into the Semi-Finals round, where 12 of the best baristas in the world will do battle to determine a field of Finalists. But for now here, in all its glory, is the best of the best of Day Two Round One Hash Tag WBC 2014.’s coverage of the 2014 World Barista Championship is made possible by direct support from Nuova Simonelli, whose Aurelia T3 espresso machine anchors the action at WBC.

29. 8:15 Xin Yi LokeCommon Man Coffee Roasters, Singapore @kopiakia_xin @commonmancoffee

in Singapore is a partnership with Harry Grover of , our friends and partners based in Perth and Melbourne.

competes w/an Ecuadorian coffee—first 4 minutes of script are a deep, detailed trip through processing and variety.

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Xin Yi Loke Singapore Barista Champion-5529

“Cocoa butter, milk chocolate, and hints of malt” in ‘s Ecuadorian cappuccinos here at This is an origin-focused routine—not just where in Ecuador, but who in Ecuador and why in Ecuador. 

Sig drink for Xin Yi Loke of Singapore: honey, sphered apricot & coriander ice, espresso.

Xin Yi Loke of Singapore calls time at 15:12–the small early morning crowd is treated to a fantastic performance from –really a highlight, so smooth and considered.

30. 8:35 Hiroko Hanna TeramotoEspresso Workshop, New Zealand @espworkshop 

Auckland, New Zealand is located 11,373 miles away from Rimini. We think Ms. Teramoto may be the furthest traveling competitor at !

Hiroko Hanna Teramoto New Zealand Barista Champion-5610

Espresso Workshop, home to Hanna Teramoto, was featured in our recent Auckland coffee guideNew Zealand has a proud competition history–finals placements from and but has never won a WBC.

Hana Teramoto competes using distinctively Kiwi ceramics–stone grey.

Espresso notes for Hana Teramoto: “bright, pink grapefruit–molasses medium body and sweetness, smooth and clean.”

Hiroko Hanna Teramoto New Zealand Barista Champion-5641

Molasses, strawberry reduction, cold drip, and espresso in Hanna Teramoto’s sig drink.

Oh my god is this a remix of The Walking Dead soundtrack? It is. That is really creepy. zombies.


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