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Have Coffee With Joe Biden

Spotted in the Wall Street Journal:

Next up on the Obama campaign’s motivational fundraising: Joe Biden.

The campaign has already offered up dinner with President Barack Obama, actor George Clooney and actress Sarah Jessica Parker as prizes for people who donate to the campaign and enter to win. On Thursday, the campaign offered coffee with the vice president“Want to have a cup of coffee sometime soon? I’m sure we’ll have a lot to talk about, but mainly I just want to say thanks for helping out,” read the email sent under Mr. Biden’s name.

The Biden solicitation promises airfare, hotel accommodations and coffee, but that’s not all. According to the fine print, winners also get snacks.

Yes, a lovely contest indeed, but did you know that “Amtrak Joe” frequents specialty coffee establishments all across the globe? There’s no telling where the job might take him!

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Sippin’ in style at Third Rail Coffee, Manhattan.

Joe fits right in at the funky-chic Ritual trailer.

Between lunch at Little Bird and dinner at Urban Farmer, ol’ Joe stops in for a 5 oz. Americano at the Stumptown in Downtown Portland.

Peregrine’s 14th Street location is Joe’s daily stop in DC.

Sometimes diplomatic work take Joe Biden all the way to London, where he’s sure to hit up Prufrock Coffee for a nice espresso (or maybe even a flat white).

The United States and Japan share a warm political relationship, but it’s the fine cafes like Bear Pond Espresso that keep the Veep coming back.

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