The COVID-19 pandemic has had an immediate impact on the coffee industry, shuttering thousands of cafes around the world. If you’re a coffee worker—a barista, a producer, a roaster, a small business owner, a tech, or anything else—Sprudge wants to hear your story. For our barista readers, we’d love it if you filled out this survey here to help us learn more about what’s happening in your life right now. And if you’re a coffee lover fortunate enough to be brewing at home during this time, please take our brew from home survey here.

Thank you for reading Sprudge and sharing your stories with us.


advert new rules of coffee now available


Encuesta Global COVID-19 de la Cadena de Producción de Café

Pesquisa do Global Coffee Supply Chain sobre o COVID-19

Enquête COVID-19 La chaîne mondiale d’approvisionnement en café 

Indagine sul COVID-19 del Global Coffee Supply Chain


글로벌 커피 공급망 COVID-19 서베이

استطلاع رأي حول فيروس كوفيد-19

We will provide more translations of this form in the coming days. If there is an issue with a translation please let us know.