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Fugitive Millionaire McAfee Moves To Portland, Visits Stumptown

If you were a computer software millionaire, on the run from police in Central America, where would you choose to bug out Stateside? John McAfee, the anti-virus mastermind, has picked Portland, Oregon, and he’s calling it home for the foreseeable future. A KATU reporter caught up with the fugitive at the downtown Stumptown location on 3rd and Oak.

McAfee, who founded the anti-virus software company that bears his name, made international news when police in Belize wanted to question him in connection with a death at his neighbor’s home. It’s a move he claims was connected to a broader effort by the government there to quiet him.

Now he’s landed in Portland. KATU’s Emily Sinovic took a walk and sat down at Stumptown Coffee with McAfee on Monday morning to talk about what’s next for him. Below are excerpts from her interview:

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Emily Sinovic: Do you think you’re getting your message out there or do you think the media twists what you have to say?

John McAfee: Oh the media has no clue. Last night I actually started putting photos up of teams I used to collect information. That’s the first time I’ve done that.

Sinovic: To collect information on what?

McAfee: On what was happening in Belize. The links between the Belize government and Hezbollah and the giving of false identifies of Hezbollah terrorists. They’ve been doing that for years.

Like many of us who’ve moved to Portland, McAfee is writing a blog. In the latest entry of Who Is McAfee?, he talks about his legion of women who lived with him in Belize. We’re so not making this up:

I encouraged all of the girls to hang out together and become friends, where possible.  It was easier to keep tabs on someone’s actions if others were watching, or if a shared comaraderie encouraged the sharing of intimate secrets.  All the girls told me the other girls’ secrets.


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