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Frothy Gossip: 6 Extra Hot Low Cost Halloween Coffee Costumes

It’s that time of the year again! Halloween has reared it’s ugly haunted head, bringing with it a weekend of required costumery to kick off the holiday season. Stay in costume AND be au courant with our exclusive list of Halloween suggestions:

6. Clover Machine

Ingredients: One large cardboard box. Cut out holes for your head and arms and draw in the details of the Clover machine. Draw a big Siren Logo on the back and carry around dark roasted coffee. Bonus points if you can convince your friends that the Clover inspired the by-the-cup movement.

5. Home Barista

Ingredients: Dumpy clothes, an iPhone, a DSLR, and a disinterested girlfriend.

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For best effect, keep yourself near an espresso machine. Yell out “uneven tamp!” whenever you get a chance.

4. Zombie Barista

3. Moka Pot

Adorn yourself in tin foil and burn those who dare touch you. If anyone asks, tell them you’re a “real Italian cappuccino machine”.

2. Early 20s Coffee Consultant

You’ve been in the industry for nine months, yet you’ve long since grown tired of working bar. It’s time for something real!

Ingredients: A blog, a flickr account, designer jeans, and a propensity for snoot.

1. Chemex

Send us your best Halloween coffee costume shots!

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