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Frozen Coffee Frappe Recipes

We’ve been busy all week at Sprudge Labs, burning through four Vita-Mix blenders and two BlendTecs to bring you the caps lock PERFECT Third Wavé Frappé. We think we’ve found some delicious options. And we think it just might be a specialty coffee global game-changer.

Some Rules:

Absolutely no instant coffee.

Absolutely no “cold brew” coffee.

All coffee is brewed using the Japanese Iced Brew method. is very proud to present these exclusive recipes, tested and ready to cool things down at a cafe near you. If you’re lactose/casein intolerant, coconut milk is an excellent cream replacement. Please enjoy!

The Honduras Finca El Puenté

6oz chilled double strength Counter Culture Coffee Honduras Finca el Puente

4oz Half & Half (feel free to substitute coconut milk)

1 tsp Xanthan Gum


Blend until creamy.

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The Guatemala Finca El Injerté

6oz chilled double strength Stumptown Coffee Guatemala Finca el Injerto

4oz Half & Half (again, coconut milk works great)

1 tsp Xanthan Gum


Blend until creamy.

The Ethiopia Moredocofé

6oz chilled double strength Four Barrel Coffee Ethiopia Shakisso Mordocofe

4oz Half & Half

1 tsp Xanthan Gum


Blend until creamy.

The Cup of Excellencé Bolivia Flor Rosé #29

6oz chilled double strength Barefoot Coffee Bolivia Flor Rosa #29

4oz Half & Half

1 tsp Xanthan Gum


Blend until creamy.

The Mama Cata Geisha Vervé

6oz chilled double strength Verve Coffee Panama Mama Cata Honey Processed Geisha

4oz Half & Half

1 tsp Xanthan Gum


Blend until creamy.

Tell us about your favorite frappé recipes!

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