The Cup Of Excellence 2009 Brazil auction took place yesterday, and the results are available at the COE website. This year’s event was dominated by buyers from Japan, Taiwan and Korea who paid considerably higher prices for this year’s top lot ($24.05) then was paid for last year’s winner ($9.05).

Some more information on this year’s top farm, Fazenda Ouro Verde:

Fazenda Ouro Verde was acquired at the end of the 1980s by the father of Cândido Vladimir Ladeira Rosa from his brother-in-law, with whom he had learned the basics of coffee growing. It was an option for generating household income. Cândido was the son who inherited the job of managing the property. Today he takes the utmost care of the family’s heritage applying the knowledge that he inherited from his father and his own experience with growing coffee.

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The land is located in the municipality of Piatã, Chapada Diamantina region, Bahia . Average temperatures range between 2º and 17º C at an altitude of approximately 1,260 meters.

Some background information on the COE:

Who started the Cup of Excellence® competition?

Cup of Excellence was started by a group of dedicated coffee connoisseurs who along with international governmental support and NGOs thought that a competition and auction was an effective way to recognize farmers monetarily for their hard work and effort. It is now known that in addition to this the discovery of unknown and yet phenomenal coffees creates an excitement among roasters and consumers that is unparalleled. As multiple coffee producing countries have joined the program they are sharing beneficial information with each other and the supporting roasters have created a kind of Cup of Excellence family. To learn more about our history click here.



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