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Cannabis Coffee Shop Opens In Colorado

Colorado residents are positively danked with excitement over a brand new “cannabis-friendly” coffee and tea co-op, the first of its kind since recreational pot laws were passed in Colorado. For just $5, folks over the legal toking age of 21 can hang out at the Hive Co-Op, smoke a little sweet leaf, and play Candyland.

No, for real:

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[The Hive] has board games like Candyland and Chutes and Ladders in a blue-light room. With that special lighting, illustrations in Mark Heath’s artwork become more visible. The Erie artist has attended some of the evening co-op gatherings, which have so far ranged from five to 15 people.

“People have been getting together to drink coffee together for 200-some years,” Heath said. “This is an extension of that.”

Are we hearing this correctly? Pot or no pot, this sounds like a reemergence of the board game friendly, groovy gravy patronizing, blacklight backlit open mic clove smoke poetry slam guitar jam cafes of our youth. Back in the 1990’s places like this were everywhere…packed with glowing lava lamp lotharios, sipping on dollar kool-aid, adding a dash of chai spice to EVERYTHING, and waiting for the live show to start, man – the Hive Co-Op sounds exactly like this. Are these places making a comeback thanks to America’s new progressive pot outlook?

Will someone step up and make a place like this with some really good coffee? Similar legislation also passed in Washington State – for more, see Spro and Dro.

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