
Keep’ em coming! Don’t stop til you get enough…Build-Outs of Summer. For today’s feature we’re checking out ReAnimator Coffee, coming soon to Philadelphia and located in that city’s eminently cool Fishtown neighborhood. The folks at ReAnimator are already up and roasting in nearby Kensington – you can shop for their coffee here – but this cafe will be their first, and a chance to bring locally owned roasting and cafe culture to the very hip neighborhoods north of Philly’s Center City downtown. Folks in Philadelphia love hometown stuff – local beer, the Phillies, Bob & Barbara’s, etc – so we predict this new ReAnimator cafe is gonna go over like gangbusters.

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Let’s find out more, together. As told to Sprudge by Mark Corpus of ReAnimator Coffee ROASTERS. 

Tell us a bit about your new space.

The space that we are building out right now is our first cafe, and it is a place where we will feature the best coffee that we have to offer. Before we moved in, the place was a florist, so we’ve gone through a long process of tearing out the florist equipment, building walls to create a bar area, back of house and new bathroom, but maintaining the overall character of the building. The building is wedge shaped, with the front door being at the peak, and the bar being at the base, spanning the length of the building. The general area includes a few other wedge shaped businesses since we all sit on a wild intersection of 6 streets, so the area itself it pretty unique.

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What’s your approach to serving coffee?

We plan to offer our single origin coffees in a variety of brew methods, including v60, Chemex and Aeropress. The poured concrete bar that we are installing includes an integrated brewing stand with a plumbed drain trough, so we are very hand poured forward for our single origin menu. We will also offer coffee via a Fetco for those more inclined to a faster experience. The brewing stand has its own station at the bar, so we are encouraging customers to experience the finer brew methods.

Any machines, coffees, special equipment lined up?

Our espresso machine is a Synesso Hydra, and the brew stand/pour over stand is custom built. The brew stand is designed to be modular, so that it can carry 6 v60’s when fully set up, or half of the stand can be pulled off so that baristas can brew using Chemex or Aeropress on one side, and the remaining 3 v60’s are cantilevered over the drain trough. We have sourced several coffees that we will be offering exclusively at the shop, some of which were sourced from the Fincas Mierisch Los Favoritos auction which was held a few months ago.


What’s your hopeful target opening date?

We are hoping to have a soft opening by the end of this month, with a sort of welcome party for the neighborhood on August 10th with a bunch of local bars and food places that are also Fishtown based.

ReAnimator Coffee is at 1523 E Susquehana, Philadelphia PA 19125. For updates on their project, follow them on Twitter @reanimatorphila and on Facebook.

Can’t get enough Build-Outs? Read more from Hong Kong, Omaha, San Francisco, Dallas, and St. Louis. 

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