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Quiz: American Fall TV Pilot Or Australian Cafe?

Outside of Bunker in Brisbane with Rachel and Ross from the pilot of Friends.

Pop quiz, hot shot. Is “Bunker” an action-filled suspense drama about a rogue group of counter-terrorists or is it an adorable coffee bar in Brisbane? (It’s a bar in Brisbane.) Is “Feed Me” a single-camera NBC comedy about a dysfunctional family or a walk-up cafe and toast bar in Melbourne’s CBD? (It’s a comedy.)

Outside of Bunker in Brisbane with Rachel and Ross from the pilot of Friends.
Outside of Bunker in Brisbane with Rachel and Ross from the pilot of Friends.

We double-dog dare you to take the quiz “American Fall TV Pilot or Australian Cafe?”

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Warning: this quiz is like, really hard. Even the people who put this quiz together could barely get 7/10 answers correct.

Let the quiz begin:

Sadly, this quiz is no longer active. 

Confidential to people thinking about starting cafes: TV pilots have the best cafe names ever. And confidential to TV producers: Australian cafes have the best TV pilot names ever.

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