Friends, after seven weeks of extensive and thorough market research, we’ve decided that on our much-loved (and also occasionally much-maligned) live Twitter event coverage will happen from now on under the newly created mantle of @SprudgeLive!

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Go ahead and add @SprudgeLive to your Twitter feed, and join us tonight for the first-ever @SprudgeLive broadcast, where we’ll be live-tweeting the premiere of Todd Carmichael’s “Dangerous Grounds” program on The Travel Channel. The West Coast Live-feed starts at 10pm PST.

Follow @SprudgeLive today!

@SprudgeLive will be your go-to source for our groundbreaking barista competition coverage throughout the 2013 competitive cycle. We were going to announce this last week, but then Hurricane Sandy happened and the NERBC was canceled. Watch for @SprudgeLive all year long as we cover the regional barista competitions, the USBC in Boston, and the WBC in Melbourne.

@SprudgeLive – follow us today!

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