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American Treasure Willie Nelson Has His Own Line Of CBD-Infused Coffee

There will be no brew eyes crying in the rain today as Texas legend and true American hero, the one and only Willie Hugh Nelson has announced his own line of CBD-infused coffee. That’s right, the 85-year-old country music icon known for his greener predilections has created Willie’s Remedy, a line of cannabidiol-infused products, and the first one set to be released is coffee.

According to GuideLive, the whole bean coffee will deliver a 5mg dose of CBD in every eight-ounce cup. Willie’s Remedy won’t get you high, though. CBD lacks the psychoactive-inducing properties associated with marijuana; that comes from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and can be found in Willie’s Reserve, Nelson’s strain of marijuana launched in 2015.

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Modern country music is complete vapid garbage. It’s banal top-40 trash about a rural life the performers never lived, sung with an affected twang they didn’t come by honestly. But Willie. I fuck with Willie. Everyone does. He is literally the only artist you and your probably-racist uncle can agree on. The pride of Abbot, Texas. You’re welcome.

Willie’s Remedy, the “hemp derived cannabis products to supplement a legendary life well-lived” per their website, will debut in Colorado some time in September. From what little can be gleaned from the website, the whole bean coffee will be “small batch” roasted, “infused with full spectrum CBD oil derived from American sourced and organically grown hemp,” and sold in eight-ounce tins.

Willie’s Remedy adds to an increasingly crowded field marijuana-based coffee products. There are cold brews in both THC and CBD varieties, coffee pods, dehydrated coffee, and even an American coffee shop where cannabis products can be consumed on premises. But Willie’s Remedy marks the first whole bean offering (to our knowledge), proving yet again that Willie Nelson is truly a pioneer.

God bless Willie Nelson and God bless Texas.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

Top image via Willie’s Remedy.

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