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Meet Your 2014 World Latte Art Championship Finalists

Finalists with 2013 Champ Hisako Yoshikawa (Not pictured: Ryan Tan, Rie Moustakas)

The 2014 World Latte Art Championship pits champion baristas from 32 nations against each other to see who can create the most beautiful, engaging latte art creations, using both free pour and etching techniques. From those 32 competitors, six finalists have advanced to compete on Finals Sunday at the 2014 Melbourne International Coffee Expo.

You can expect much more in-depth coverage of the 2014 WLAC from Sprudge on Finals Sunday, bouncing across the webosphere on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also follow along yourself live at the World Coffee Events Livestream here.’s coverage of World Latte Art Championship is made possible by direct support from our friends and partners at Dalla Corte, who provide the DC Pro espresso machines for the 2014 World Latte Art Championship and 2014 World Coffee In Good Spirits Championship. Our coverage is produced in partnership with World Coffee Events, the international organization that stages these competitions each year. The 2014 World Latte Art Championship will conclude tomorrow, Sunday May 18th, starting at 10AM AEST with a final heat of six. For now, let’s meet the sexy six!

Seivijus Matiejunas, Bewleys Coffee & Tea, Ireland


Christian Ullrich, Independent, Germany

christian ullrich

Rie Moustakas, Gloria Jean’s Coffee, Australia


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Edit Juhasz, Independent, Hungary

edit juhasz

Chiara Bergonzi, Independent, Italy


 Ryan Tan, Strangers’ Reunion, Singapore

ryan tan

World Latte Art Finals Schedule for Sunday, May 18 2014:

10:05AM Seivijus Matiejunas, Ireland

10:25AM Christian Ullrich, Germany

10:45AM Rie Moustakas, Australia

11:05AM Edit Juhasz, Hungary

11:25AM Chiara Bergonzi, Italy

11:45AM Ryan Tan, Singapore

Check out this Facebook gallery for much more from the opening rounds at WLAC. 

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2014 World Coffee In Good Spirits: The Finalists

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World Cup Tasters Championship: The Final Four

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