I’ve made no secret for my love of refreshing, carbonated cold coffee drinks. If it’s sweet, bubbly, and caffeinated, there’s a pretty good chance I’m going to at least try to mix it into some sort of poolside alcoholic beverage. And now Bon Appétit has turned me on to my newest love affair: Keepers Citrus Coffee Soda.
Keepers is the next step in cold coffee beverages–one that I am very excited about—because it uses Japanese iced coffee instead of cold brew as its base. Or as Bon Appétit calls it, a “Japanese flash cold-brewing method.” But that’s two different cold coffee methods: Japanese iced coffee and cold brew. If you’re going to be a little glib about coffee (and you know you were, Alex. We all know you were), you should at least not sound like an asshole when you do it. /rant. I’m sure it was an honest mistake.
Aaaaaanyway, Keepers adds to their in-house “light-roasted” coffee tangerine oil, pure cane sugar, and a juice blend of tangerine, lime, and lemon. That tasty little concoction then gets carbonated by “step[ping] on to a trampoline and bounc[ing] the crap out of it (true story),” according to Keepers’ website. The result sounds like a blend between Stumptown’s Sparkling Cold Brew and Coffer (y’all remember Coffer? RIP Coffer, we hardly knew ye), which is to say, it sounds delicious.
Keepers Citrus Coffee Soda is currently on pre-order for $48 for a 12-can case. Scheduled ship date for any pre-orders is August 15th, and you better believe I’ll have an order in by then. Unless, of course, Keepers needs an expert taste-tester/QA analyst, one with years of experience drinking and writing about cold coffee drinks that they want to send a case to. Should they require such a knowledgeable opinion, I’m sure I could avail myself for a few coldies.
Call me, Keepers!
Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.
*top image via Bon Appétit