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The Scottish Play: Go Inside The Brand New Origin Coffee In Edinburgh

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Cold blow the autumn winds. A gust, a gale, the gathering clouds. They’re felt keenly throughout the land of the Builds, but perhaps nowhere so sharp as the city of Edinburgh, with its cozy cafes, Fringe theater shenanigans, and historic urban core. There’s long been a roaring good espresso scene in Edinburgh, and now we can add to it Origin Coffee, those mainstays of the UK coffee scene whose first Scottish bar is now open. Let’s take a closer look.

The 2024 Build-Outs of Coffee is presented by Ceado and Dona. The 2024 Build-outs of Coffee is sponsored by Pacific Barista SeriesLa MarzoccoAcaia, and Ghirardelli


For those who aren’t familiar, will you tell us about your company?

Origin Coffee is a certified B Corp, and one of the longest standing independent coffee roasters in the UK. Origin is in pursuit of coffee excellence, setting standards and changing attitudes for the global speciality coffee industry.

We have coffee shops across London, Bristol, Edinburgh, and Cornwall, and we supply coffee to some of the best coffee shops, hotel groups and restaurants across the UK. We supply direct to your door, with subscription services tailored to you.

We’ve been leading the way in speciality coffee for two decades now, earning the title of Best Speciality Coffee Roasters in Europe at the Allegra Awards in 2023. Transparency, sustainability, and seasonality are at the heart of the business.

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Can you tell us a bit about the new space?

Working with interior designer Megan Sadler, the new site is a design continuation of the brand’s roastery cafe in Cornwall, offering a “sophisticated industrial aesthetic.” Materials include a bronze effect bar and stainless-steel worktops alongside oak furniture, boucle fabrics, and reclaimed lighting from Skinflint. The original wooden floor has been sanded back to add new life into the space.

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What’s your approach to coffee?

Respecting the beans—and the individuals who savor speciality coffee. From the source, as we roast, while we educate and when we brew. From start to finish, quality is an essential component to all we do.

Our team of roasters, Q Graders, and coffee professionals follow meticulous sensory measures throughout every stage of roasting to ensure your final cup is outstanding. The quality of knowledge and skill is shared through each avenue of education provided, passed on from the farm to the final cup, from customer to consumer. Quality lies at the heart of every brew served.

Our longstanding relationships remain the backbone of what we offer, but new journeys punctuate this, offering our customers a taste of the future of speciality coffee. From complex terroir, where exciting varietals shape exploration, to challenging the expected and championing lesser-known regions, we go the distance in pursuit of coffee excellence, raising awareness, celebrating the power of connectivity, and nurturing new and old friendships alike.

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Any machines, coffees, special equipment lined up?

A rotational menu of seasonal coffees—with exclusive retail tastings and launches, as well as our regular offering.

How is your project considering sustainability?

We have a responsibility to the planet and the people we work with. Creating a positive impact across the supply chain, and providing support to the farmers, pickers, sorters, drivers, rakers, washers, dry millers, cuppers, roasters, trainers, baristas, and drinkers. Each is striving for the same end goal: to make every cup of coffee exceptional.

What’s your hopeful target opening date/month?

May 2024

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Are you working with craftspeople, architects, and/or creatives that you’d like to mention?

Megan Sadler, Interior Designer.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Origin Coffee is located at 6-8 South College Street, Edinburgh. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

The 2024 Build-Outs of Coffee is presented by Ceado and Dona. The 2024 Build-outs of Coffee is sponsored by Pacific Barista SeriesLa MarzoccoAcaia, and Ghirardelli

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