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The Exclusive World Barista Championship 2024 Schedule & Coverage Preview Spectacular

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Can you believe it? Just two short weeks after the earth-shaking World Coffee Championships events in Chicago, yet-another official event is happening: The 2024 World Barista Championship takes place this week in Busan, South Korea.

Meet the 2024 World Cup Tasters Champion, Dionatan Almeida of Brazil.

Meet the 2024 World Brewers Cup Champion, Marin Wölfl of Germany. 

The crown jewel of the global coffee competition circuit, the World Barista Championship has been extant since the year 2000 and travels around the world to different locations each year. This year will be the second time the event has been held in South Korea, following the 2017 championship event in Seoul.

Sprudge Media Network will be covering the 2024 World Barista Championship *live* from Busan, South Korea all week long, bringing you in-depth daily live blog content and heaps of social media goodness throughout the event. Sprudge has covered these events since, well, before there even was a Sprudge! Our co-founder Zachary Carlsen organized the first livestream coverage of the WBC all the way back in 2007, and Sprudge has covered this event since the 2010 event in London. Our industry-leading coverage team in Busan includes Zachary Carlsen, Zac Cadwalader, and Charlie Burt.

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You can think of our role as being the ESPN of the coffee industry—our third-party coverage is independently produced, and we’re able to cover far-flung events like this one thanks to the support of our event content partners.

Sprudge’s coverage of the 2024 World Barista Championship is presented by Pacific Barista Series and La Marzocco. Our coverage is supported by Created Co.Proper SyrupThird Wave Water, and DiFluid

Check out the Round One schedule below!

Round One, Day One, Wednesday, May 1st

9:00am Takayuki Ishitani (he/him), Japan — @taka_ishitani
9:20am José Miguel Echeverría (he/him), Teco Coffee House, Guatemala — @tecoffee_03
9:52am Christos Giachos (he/him), April Coffee Roasters, Denmark — @christosgiachos
10:02am Pan Wei (he/him), Hangzhou PiMi Coffee Company, China
10:12am Oscar Gonzalez (he/him), Caracas Quiere Café, Venezuela — @oscargbarista
10:44am Zjevaun Lemar Janga (he/him), Ripsnorter Coffee, The Netherlands — @lemar_297
10:54am Junghwan Lim (he/him), Aerycoffee, South Korea — @lim__junghwan
11:04am Ian Kissick (he/him), Formative Coffee, Ireland — @ian_kissick
11:36am Michaela Ruazol (she/her), Typica, United Arab Emirates — @michaelaruazol_
11:46am Antonio German Venturo Bardales (he/him), Ciclos Cafe & El Cacaotal, Peru — @antoniohobbit
11:56am Federico Pinna (he/him), Urban Cafe, Italy —  @_federicopinna
12:28pm Gio Visitacion (he/him), Good Cup Coffee, Philippines — @giorgiovisitacion
12:38pm Nelson Phu (he/him), Rosso Coffee Roasters, Canada — @thatfellownello
12:48pm Abdulrahim Albalushi (he/him), Slope Roastery, Saudi Arabia — @balushi81
1:20pm Luke Letts (he/him), Father Coffee, South Africa — @luke.letts
1:30pm Bella Thu Pham (she/her), Quest Asia, Vietnam — @bellathupham
1:40pm Lakis Psomas (he/him), Nestle Professional, Sweden — @Lakispsomas
2:12pm Chris Loukakis (he/him), Wise Cup Coffee Roasters, Greece — @chrisloukakis
2:22pm Steven Arevalo Valdez (he/him), Amor Perfecto, Colombia —
2:32pm Surender Kumar (he/him), Malaysia — @skay_91
3:04pm Stephen Wong (he/him), Gif Coffee, China — @stephen.wong.gif 
3:14pm Roosa Jalonen (she/her), Forest Green Coffee, United Kingdom — @roosalyydia
3:24pm Kasra Rostami (he/him), Qatar — @kasra.rostamii
3:56pm Serkan Sagsoz (he/him), Mayard Coffee Works, Turkey — @serkan.sagsoz
4:06pm Pedro Ricardo (he/him), Black Drop Coffee, Chile — @pedro_ricard0
4:16pm Sin Lin (she/her), Simple Kaffa, Taiwan — @sin0722
4:48pm Roy Marín (he/him), Buena Vida Specialty Coffee, Costa Rica — @roymarin19
4:58pm Felix Hohlmann (he/him), Kaffeemacher, Germany — @felixhohlmann
5:08pm Simona Stundžytė, Huracán Coffee, Lithuania — @vejuotas_vejas_vejyje

Round One, Day Two, Thursday, May 2nd

9:00am Frank La (he/him), Be Bright Coffee, United States — @flaless
9:10am Jaseem Abbas (he/him), Ninedotcoffee, India — @ninedotcoffee
9:20am Roman Nejedly (he/him), Fiftybeans Coffee, Czech Republic — @fiftybeans
9:52am Daniel Vaz (he/him), Five Roasters, Brazil — @daniel_vaz
10:02am Ntambi Isaac (he/him), Uganda Coffee Development Authority, Uganda — @Coffeeforest90
10:12am Patrik Vinsensius (he/him), Common Grounds Coffee Roaster, Indonesia — @p.vinsensius
10:44am Courtney Kheng (she/her), Glyph Supply Co, Singapore — @killerlips
10:54am Mostafa Mamdouh (he/him), Twenty Grams Coffee Roasters, Egypt — @mostafa_mamdouheg
11:04am Brice Robin (he/him), Polygone Formations, France — @brice_robin_
11:36am Mathieu Theis (he/him), Mame, Switzerland — @mathieutheis
11:46am Jack Simpson (he/him), Axil Coffee Roasters, Australia — @jacksimpson32
11:56am Mikael Jasin (he/him), So So Good Coffee Company, Indonesia — @mikaeljasin
12:28pm Hrishikesh Mohite (he/him), India — @espresso_patronus_7
12:38pm Honoka Kawashima (she/her), Frank’s Coffee, New Zealand — @kwsmhnk
12:48pm Arnon Thitiprasert (he/him), Roast8ry, Thailand — @ristr8to
1:20pm Artur Kosteniuk (he/him), Bacara Coffee, Ukraine — @arkosss0
1:30pm Miki Cordero (he/him), Typica Cafe Tostaduria, Bolivia — @bebedor_de_cafe_
1:40pm Christi Oltean (he/him), Meron, Romania
2:12pm Teresia Maina (she/her), The East African School of Coffee, Kenya — @Terry_Ryte
2:22pm Alexander Monsen (he/him), Kaffebrenneriet AS, Norway — @CoffeeMons
2:32pm Dominika Kowalska (she/her), Rose Coffee Roasters, Poland — @oodoominoo
3:04pm Dominika Piotrowska (she/her), Coffee Experts/Create Athens/Stronghold, Austria @domi_piotrowska
3:14pm Penny Pang (she/her), Cupping Room Coffee Roaster, Hong Kong — @pennyiklam
3:24pm Jenny Borrego (she/her), EspressoLab by Degas Café, Mexico — @marvelatte
3:56pm Petros Korakianitis (he/him), Toño’s Cafe Bakery, Panama — @petrakis.7

5:21pm: Semi-finalists announcements

Sprudge’s coverage of the 2024 World Barista Championship is presented by Pacific Barista Series and La Marzocco. Our coverage is supported by Created Co., Proper Syrup, Third Wave Water and DiFluid

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