American megachain Dunkin’ Donuts have announced plans for expanding their joe-and-dough emporiums into Moscow, the very heart of Putin’s new Russia. Moscow is a city famous for selling coffee at an average price of $10.19 a cup. Meanwhile, Lenin rolls over in his tomb, takes it with cream and sugar, and finishes two whole maple bars before schlepping off to work.

From the Wall Street Journal:

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After a retreat from Russia in 1999, Dunkin’ Donuts is returning Wednesday with the first of 20 planned store openings in Moscow this year.

The move by the Dunkin’ Brands Inc. unit will intensify a battle among coffee-shop chains in Russia, a tea-steeped culture that is fast getting hooked on coffee. Restaurant sales of coffee in Russia surged to an estimated $575 million in 2009 from $13 million in 1999, according to Euromonitor International. During the five years ended in 2008, total revenue in the category increased 362%.

Read the entire story here.