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SERBC Finals Recap: The Sound and Fury

Videos, .gifs, live-tweets, and pics to round out our coverage of the SERBC. Finals were wild, suprising, and packed with suspense – we’re both so, so glad we were able to be in Atlanta to cover the event. We thank Curtis for their generous sponsorship of our presence in Atlanta.
We’d also like to thank the rest of our sponsors – a complete list is available at the bottom right of each post on Sprudge – and especially those who are supporting this year’s SERBC and the competition cycle as a whole, including Counter Culture Coffee (whose hospitality on the road is appreciated more than words can say), Batdorf and Bronson (who sponsored this year’s SERBC, and threw a lovely party on Friday night at their Dancing Goats Coffee Bar in Decatur), Tru Bru, Natvia “Send Me To Vienna”, Urnex, Cafe Imports, and Espresso Parts. When you support these companies, you support Sprudge.

Finally, we are immensely grateful to the tireless and inspiring work of everyone at the SCAA and BGA, especially Amber Sather, Maria Hill, Julie Housh, Dan Streetman, Michael Harwood, and Sprudgie Award winner Marcus Boni.

The outpouring of support, kind words, emails and tweets thanking us for our regional barista event coverage just means the world to us. None of our work would be possible without the people and companies thanked above – we do this because of you.

10:55 and we’re back! live-tweeting the #serbc finals from windy, frigid atlanta georgia – follow us all day @sprudge

11:03 @jasondominy – “i would like to go ahead and get this party started. go ahead and hit that timer.” #brewerscup #domination

11:09 @jasondominy drops clever at 2.5 minutes, with a 1.5 minute draw time – he’s stirring for 10 seconds during draw down

11:12 @jasondominy handles his biz, thanks the southern barista community, hits on his wife, and calls “time”

11:16 first #serbc of the day: lindsey kiser of @peregrinedc – her setup includes a simple black tablecloth & a pink cotton candy maker

11:23 lindsey serves @counter_culture PNG baroida – talks the judges through cultivar distinction, washing, drying, and shipping…

11:24 lindsey of @peregrinedc – her routine’s conceit: coffee as personhood, trials by fire, we’re made who we are by our experiences #fascinating

11:28 lindsey @peregrinedc chose a 3 day off-roast baroida PNG from @counter_culture – “vibrancy” being the key word.

11:30 lindsey @peregrinedc capp set down, water refilled, cruising into sig drinks with 9:30 left: “nature AND nurture…so it is with coffee

11:32 lindsey pulls a shot of baroida over coconut milk infused with passionfruit – then handmade ginger floss on stage – mmmmm ginger floss

11:34 lindsey kiser of @peregrinedc calls time at 14:54 – that is a very, very high bar to set for today at the #serbc

11:42 @davedelchamps – using v60 filter, because, “who doesn’t like a paper filter? it gives you a nice, clean taste” #brewerscup

11:46 @davedelchamp serves@octanecoffee salvadoran coffee grown at a high elevation with volcanic terroir – served in diner mug

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11:47 “that does it for me, feel free to enjoy the neil young that’s playing right now – have a great weekend” @davedelchamps

11:52 this is trevor corlett’s 12th barista competition performance @madcap

12:00 trevor competes using the @madcapcoffee third coast blend – currently 50/50 fazenda rainha from brazil and san sebastian colombia

12:04 trevor @madcap on his espresso: “first sip is tart bitterness, second sip is acidity cherry, final sip is sweet baker’s chocolate”

12:11 trevor corlett calls time at 15 – steadier presentation today, seemed a little more comfortable verbally. awesome routine

12:17 @jonathanbonchak (“peaches”) of @counter_culture up now – brewing ethiopia haru, a classic washed yirgacheffe coffee

12:22 @jonathanbonchak competes with the bonmac brewer – #bonchakforbonmac – competing with @counter_culture’s GFA winning coffee #brewerscup

12:35 @bluebarista is the SE representative of the @baristaguild – rocking his BGA pin on-stage at #serbc

12:51 michael harwood @bluebarista calls time at 14:59 #serbc #pro

12:52 @mattlud was a late addition to the #brewerscup schedule – his comp coffee was roasted by fellow #brewerscup competitor @davedelchamps

12:56 @mattlud competes at #brewerscup using the classic chemex with paper filter #leathertassles

12:58 a very radiohead-forward #brewerscup performance from @mattlud

1:00 his chemex coffee served in a brandy snifter @mattlud – go big on the chemex, or go home on the marta

1:12 @dustincolemmm starts with his cappuccinos – his is one of the more customer service focused routines seen this year

1:15 citrus, stone fruit acidity, apricot, caramel bottom tones, buttery, clean finish – @dustincolemmm on his espresso

1:21 @dustincolemmm last minute of his routine…love the vintage ice bucket. “no special instructions, just drink it down and enjoy it.”

1:22 @dustincolemmm calls time at 15 flat – big cheer in the room at #serbc

1:25 up now at the #brewerscup, by far our favorite twitter handle of the weekend @dugganasaurus bryan duggan of @counter_culture durham

1:26 @dugganasaurus rocks a modified cupping method at #brewerscup – first brewed in a french press, then poured through v60

1:30 @dugganasaurus competes with @counter_culture’s Karatu Barada Nikto kenyan coffee

1:45 we’ll say it again – @milamos performance is a remarkable advert and outreach for @panthercoffee – want to go to miami so bad

1:49 guaraco reduction (sugar), espresso, lightly steamed milk, and vaporized padron cigar – like walking into a cuban coffee bar

1:51 it would be hard to understate how impressed we are, how impressed the room is, with @milamos routine at #serbc – congrats to @panthercoffee

1:54 “it has been a sincere pleasure to share this coffee and culture with you. time.” – camilla (@milamos) calls time at 14 minutes

2:07 a subdued, low-key and professional performance from steve brown @octanecoffee – proof is in the #brewerscup

2:11 Lem took last year’s competition off, but he’s back this year: “I’m like Jay-Z. I retire, but I come back…can’t stop, won’t stop”

2:22 @sexyfoam’s choice of @counter_culture baroida banta microlot is the bedrock of cool at the base of this smooth performance

2:28 “thank you much, enjoy – i want to thank you for joining me on an adventure to the other side of the world” @sexyfoam

2:57 our work this weekend was made possible by sponsorship from @wilburcurtisco – if you enjoyed our coverage, please RT your thanks

3:04 1st place is Matthew Ludwikowski of @octanecoffee #brewerscup @mattluds

3:15 Congrats to Michael Harwood, Trevor Corlett, and your new #SERBC champion Lindsey Kiser of @peregrinedc

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