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Why Not Interview? NW BGA Candidates

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While many in the US are wrapped up in the Republican primary season, there’s a much more important election just around the bend. This is your last week to vote in the Barista Guild Chapter Representatives election, and you can access the ballot here. Voting is open to all BGA members, in all regions across the United States.

Here’s your chance to get to know some of the candidates: time you get to know some of the candidates. The editors at Why Not? Coffee blog have put together an essential interview for the NW region, and their assessment is blunt: “If you volunteer to be a leader I believe it’s in your best interest to communicate your leadership goals, outline a plan, take action and be held accountable.

Here’s just some of the campaign promises:

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Imagine a free class to BGA members where we have last years NWRBC come and do their routine scored by real judges followed by a discussion on the scores, the rules, tips, and open questions. – Laila Ghambari

The intrigue:

If I make myself more accessible on the corporate side of coffee while also admitting my shortcomings, vulnerabilities and what I can learn, walls begin to come down and bridges build up. – Anna Gutierrez

The gossip:

My home base of Seattle already has a well-established barista community, but given the huge number of baristas in Seattle, and many I’ve met have been in the industry for 10+ years, we have very few members. – Neil Oney

Read it all over here at Why Not?

Hats off to Why Not? for their excellent coverage. We’re eagerly awaiting the first smear campaign video…

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