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SCA Announces Host Cities For The 2019 US Coffee Championships

You know how car companies are always releasing next year’s models earlier and earlier and then you’re like, “2019? Already?! We’re only halfway through 2018!” and then the inevitability of the cruel march of time weighs heavy on you like a shiny new Buick LaCrosse? Well this is like that, but with coffee, as the SCA has announced host cities for the 2019 US Coffee Championship preliminaries. Taking place over the course of three months, the USCC preliminaries will be rolling through 10 cities, in the Lower 48 and beyond.

The first preliminary is literally only a month away, taking place in Chattanooga, TN between July 13th and 15th. After that, the train rolls on through Amarillo, TX; Denver, CO; Kailua Kona, HI(!!!); Canton, OH; Washington, D.C.; Montgomery, AL; Seattle, WA; Grand Rapids, MI; and Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

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Each of the 10 locations will host both a Brewers Cup and Barista preliminary (we think). Luckily, Learning Sessions for the Barista and Brewers competitions are being held on July 9th and 10th, respectively, and all your questions will be answered there. Registration for the info sessions is now open and you can sign-up here and here.

Competition registration opens on June 29th, so get your multiple browser windows open and dialed in to the US Coffee Championships website to make sure you get a spot at the location of your choosing. For more information about the 2019 US Coffee Championships host cities, competition rules, or sign-up information, visit the US Coffee Championships website.

Maybe we’ll see you there?

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

*all media via the US Coffee Championships

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