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Reagandoodle Loves Coffee And Is Also A Dog

coffee on instagram @reagandoodle dog labradoodle interview almond milk sprudge coffee on instagram @reagandoodle dog labradoodle interview almond milk sprudge

coffee on instagram @reagandoodle dog labradoodle interview almond milk sprudge

Usually, we feature humans (ok, or cats) on our Coffee On Instagram series, but maybe we should be paying a little more attention to our coffee-loving furry friends. In a world of turmoil, couldn’t we all use a few more cute photos of animals and coffee?

I don’t know how I first learned about @reagandoodle, the Australian Labradoodle (who, with over 90,000 followers, is a bit of an internet sensation), but when I realized that he also happened to have a penchant for lattes, I knew I had to reach out. Note: Reagandoodle also loves donuts and popcorn.

Maybe it comes as no surprise that Reagandoodle is based in Portland, Oregon where the coffee runs freely for two-legged and four-legged creatures alike.* Fortunately, Reagandoodle was more than happy to give us a little background on who he is and what kind of coffee he loves. Kind of makes you want to go get a dog…and a cup of coffee.

coffee on instagram @reagandoodle dog labradoodle interview almond milk sprudge

How would friends of yours finish this statement “Reagandoodle is….”?

Half human, half teddy bear, all fluff.

When did you launch your Instagram account and how has it evolved since?

I started my Instagram in August of 2014, when I was six months old. It grew quickly and now I have over 90,000 friends.

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Are there any other coffee-loving dogs out there?

I’m sure there are! I don’t know any personally, but I’d love to meet them and have…well…coffee!

coffee on instagram @reagandoodle dog labradoodle interview almond milk sprudge

What is your favorite coffee drink?

Almond milk latte with extra foam…mmm mmm good!

Do you have a favorite coffee mug?

I have a few faves. I usually pick whichever one goes best with my OOTD.

What are some of your sources of inspiration?

Dog accounts on Instagram.

coffee on instagram @reagandoodle dog labradoodle interview almond milk sprudge

What coffee are you drinking right now?

That would be an almond milk latte with extra foam.

Favorite coffee shop?

My home kitchen.

If you could drink coffee with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

Little Buddy (my human sister’s foster child). He is my best friend. I love it when he is here at my house and I’d share my coffee with him any day.

* We like to joke around here at Sprudge, but caffeine and pets is no joke; they’re more sensitive to it than humans. So keep Muffin and Spot off the java.

Anna Brones (@annabrones) is a staff writer based in the American Pacific Northwest, the founder of Foodie Underground, and the co-author of Fika: The Art Of The Swedish Coffee Break. Read more Anna Brones on Sprudge.

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