The mood is right, the spirit’s up, we’re here tonight, and that’s enough. Well, almost enough. Tis the season to yearn for things one doesn’t have in the hopes that a red-suited fellow will magically bring said thing by way of chimney. We asked readers to send us their most personal Christmas wishes directly to Santa Claus (indirectly, through us).

Here are some of our very favorite coffee-flavored Saint Nick requests.

“A little happiness, a little joy, and a whole lot of coffee.” – Sandy

“Kopi Luwak or Monsoon Malabar roasted by Onyx Coffee Lab brewed by Matt Perger.” – Joel

“I miss Portland and this Christmas I would like Richmond, VA to have 1-2 coffee shops that makes perfect espresso and roasts great coffee and puts a smile on my face every day.” – Kevin [Ed. Note: There are more than two! Visit our Richmond archives. Ho ho ho!]

“I would really really really like a graphic mug subscription from Flat White Ceramics for Christmas. Pretty please.” – Jordan

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“Hit me with some love for 2018. Looking to get that hubby.” – Gabriel

“Breeeewwww… bay-beeeey!” – Normanito

“To cast “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey into a portal saving humanity as we know it.” – Sammich

“For Madcap to hire me already, like for real.” – Name Withheld [Ed. Note: There are plenty of wonderful coffee employment opportunities out there listed here on Sprudge Jobs]

“What’s the secret to that super duper secret sweet coffee drink you make when you pull those all-nighters? I might be needing some of that soon…” – Mflkd

“Can you get rid of all the jerks on Twitter? That’d be great.” – Rosie

“Santa, I know you’re busy right now, but if you could, please send a little love to my friends at Dune Coffee and everyone affected by the Thomas Fire. Thanks!” – Kara

“All I want for Christmas is a properly brewed cup of coffee.” – Bobby

“For Christmas, all I want is a gooseneck kettle. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy but whatever I get I will cherish forever!” – Luna

“All I want for Christmas is a coffee weighing scale so I can get consistent coffee and not brew coffee based on guesswork and get different tasting coffee each time.” – Arwin

Thanks to all who wrote to Santa this year. Remember, Santa is coming for us.

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