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On The Menu: The Rose Cardamom Latte At Coffee Relief In Quito, Ecuador

rose cardamom latte cold rose cardamom latte cold

Welcome to On The Menu presented by Oatly. Check out more signature drinks in our On The Menu archive.

Sprudge readers are now familiar with the work of Nardelia Espinoza, an Ecuadorian business leader and founder of Coffee Relief. We profiled the coffee company and their new cafe located outside of Quito, Ecuador back in August, in one of our most popular features in this year’s Build-Outs of Coffee series. This week we wanted to zoom in on one of the many signature beverages on offer at Coffee Relief: the Rose Cardamom Latte. We spoke with Coffee Relief team member Carolina Ortiz to learn more about this beautiful drink.


Tell us about your signature drink!

The Rose Cardamom Latte combines three of the best flavors, floral rose, spiced cardamom, and coffee. This uplifting beverage is delicate because of the rose petal flavor paired with complex, spicy flavors of cardamom and coffee.

The Rose Cardamom Latte is the result of a challenge lead by the innovation and barista team of Coffee Relief. The objective was to create a coffee functional drink with a local ingredient and with a health benefit.

We chose edible Ecuador roses as our local ingredient and cardamom to sum up the health benefit.

Ecuador roses are well known in the international market for their beauty and their high quality. Lately Ecuador had also been exploring the field of edible roses. We were particularly attracted to them.

What we love about cardamom is the multiple health benefits but specially its anti-inflammatory property and how it helps to reduce blood pressure. When mixing these two ingredients with specialty coffee the result was outstanding. Drinking The Rose Cardamom Latte makes you feel like transporting to your best moment ever.

rose cardamom latte hot

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Who crafted your signature drink?

María Jose Pino – head barista of Coffee Relief.

What unique ingredients does it contain?

The Rose Cardamom Latte is made with a homemade maceration of raw cardamom, raw cardamom has a more intense flavor in comparison to the roasted one. We use very high-quality coffee as we are a specialty coffee shop, once the drink is ready it is served with edible dried Ecuadorian flowers. Edible flowers contain ingredients such as vitamin A, C, and B and are high in antioxidants. You can order it hot or cold, when its served cold it comes with a cold milk foam.

Is your signature drink served in a particular vessel? How did you make this choice?

It is served on a Libbey small glass. To feature our Rose Cardamom Latte we wanted a clear recipient to appreciate the amazing color of our coffee. We use the small Libbey to give the same importance to each ingredient. The perfect composition so no ingredient get overshadow.

How much is it?


How long will it be on the menu?

At first it was a seasonal drink but because of its popularity now it is a statement on our menu.

rose cardamom latte coffee relief

Anything else you’d like to share about the drink?

The reaction was great, the most common expression that our barista team receives is is that it has such a unique flavor, impossible to find in any other coffee shop.

Is with no doubt our best seller for the ones who come to Coffee Relief, many looking for a very exotic drink.

The Rose Cardamom Latte is not only a beauty in the inside. Is also beauty in the outside.

Thank you!

On The Menu is proudly presented by Oatly. Check out more signature drinks in our On The Menu archive.

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