Here is your complete Round One schedule for the 2013 NWRBC, hosted by Dillanos Coffee Roasters. 18 competitors total, all times at PST.
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Friday, February 1st – 8 Competitors, beginning at noon.
1. 12:00 PM Justin Doyle, Independent, Salem, OR – @JustinSpirits
2. 12:34 PM Timothy Graham, Slate Coffee Roasters, Seattle – @TRGMusic @SlateCoffee
3. 12:53 PM Maxwell Mooney, Caffe Ladro, Snohomish, WA – @MaxwellAMooney @LadroRoasting
4. 1:12 PM David Matoba, Albina Press, PDX
5. 1:31 PM Victor Plasencia, Crema Coffee, PDX – @CremaPDX
6. 1:50 PM Lauren Lathrop, Public Domain Coffee, PDX – @l_lathrop @pdcoffee
7. 2:09 PM Brett Felchner, BARISTA, PDX – @brettboywonder @baristapdx
8. 2:28 PM Brandon Weaver, Slate Coffee Roasters, Seattle – @coffeeandbookz @slatecoffee
Saturday, February 2nd – 10 competitors, beginning at 11:15AM
9. 11:15 AM Michael Ryan, Caffe Ladro, Seattle @michaelcmryan @ladroroasting
10. 11:34 AM Jackson Ramone, Public Domain Coffee, PDX @jackson_ramone @pdcoffee
11. 11:53 AM Collin Schneider, Sterling Coffee Roasters, PDX @sterling_collin @sterlingcoffee
12. 12:12 PM Kathie Hilberg, Backporch Coffee Roasters, Bend ,OR @KathHilby @BackporchBend
13. 12:31 PM Cole McBride, Visions Espresso / Velton’s Coffee Roasting, Seattle @ColeCoffee @VisionsEspresso @veltonscoffee
14. 12:50 PM Chad Bledsoe, Case Study Coffee, PDX @defiancecoffee @casestudycoffee
15. 1:09 PM Devin Chapman, Coava Coffee Roasters, PDX @devchap @coavacoffee
16. 1:28 PM Sam Schroeder, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia, WA @s_schro @olympiacoffee
17. 1:47 PM Ryan Bisson, Caffe Ladro, Seattle – @ryanbisson @ladroroasting
18. 2:06 PM Rick Cox, Seattle Espresso Repair, Seattle – @SEA_Espresso