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NWRBC Round One Schedules – Day One and Two

Here is your complete Round One schedule for the 2013 NWRBC, hosted by Dillanos Coffee Roasters. 18 competitors total, all times at PST.

For the best in live, on-site Twitter coverage, follow us @SprudgeLive.

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Friday, February 1st – 8 Competitors, beginning at noon.

1. 12:00 PM Justin Doyle, Independent, Salem, OR – @JustinSpirits
2. 12:34 PM Timothy Graham, Slate Coffee Roasters, Seattle – @TRGMusic @SlateCoffee
3. 12:53 PM Maxwell Mooney, Caffe Ladro, Snohomish, WA – @MaxwellAMooney @LadroRoasting
4. 1:12 PM David Matoba, Albina Press, PDX
5. 1:31 PM Victor Plasencia, Crema Coffee, PDX – @CremaPDX
6. 1:50 PM Lauren Lathrop, Public Domain Coffee, PDX – @l_lathrop @pdcoffee
7. 2:09 PM Brett Felchner, BARISTA, PDX – @brettboywonder @baristapdx
8. 2:28 PM Brandon Weaver, Slate Coffee Roasters, Seattle – @coffeeandbookz @slatecoffee

Saturday, February 2nd – 10 competitors, beginning at 11:15AM

9. 11:15 AM Michael Ryan, Caffe Ladro, Seattle @michaelcmryan @ladroroasting
10. 11:34 AM Jackson Ramone, Public Domain Coffee, PDX @jackson_ramone @pdcoffee
11. 11:53 AM Collin Schneider, Sterling Coffee Roasters, PDX @sterling_collin @sterlingcoffee
12. 12:12 PM Kathie Hilberg, Backporch Coffee Roasters, Bend ,OR @KathHilby @BackporchBend
13. 12:31 PM Cole McBride, Visions Espresso / Velton’s Coffee Roasting, Seattle @ColeCoffee @VisionsEspresso @veltonscoffee
14. 12:50 PM Chad Bledsoe, Case Study Coffee, PDX @defiancecoffee @casestudycoffee
15. 1:09 PM Devin Chapman, Coava Coffee Roasters, PDX @devchap @coavacoffee
16. 1:28 PM Sam Schroeder, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia, WA @s_schro @olympiacoffee
17. 1:47 PM Ryan Bisson, Caffe Ladro, Seattle – @ryanbisson @ladroroasting
18. 2:06 PM Rick Cox, Seattle Espresso Repair, Seattle – @SEA_Espresso

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